Friday, June 24, 2005

Topics for Discussion

What's this?! Tomorrow's journal entry today??? Yes!! (Isn't that great?!?)

I thought I'd leave you, my readers, with a few thoughts that you can discuss with each other, or in your own journals or blogs, while I'm off in New York City for some big-time goofing off tomorrow! 

 I'll be hanging with Melody MacDuffee and the New York City Crochet Guild (of which I am also a member of) for the "Overlay Crochet Workshop."  ... of course, if I have some time I might call in a journal entry -- we'll just have to wait and see.  (If you'd like to find out more about the New York City Crochet Guild, look to the right for their official link.)

In the meantime, here's the topics I'm leaving for discussion:
1.  Do you like my crochet purses I have pictured here?  If we were taping an episode of Sesame Street, they could use the purses for the "which of these items is different" segment.  LOL  They'll all be donated for our troops to hand out to Iraqi children (inside each purse will be little hair brush sets).  I bought a bunch of coloring books, crayons, pencils, writing pads and first aid kits to include with my donation.  I hope to do at least two more purses to add to this.

2.  We all know, as it was in the press, that Mattel's Barbie doll divorced Ken a few years ago.  Apparently after 43 years together they were no longer seeing eye to eye and (here's an actual joke resulting from the real press release) they've come out with a new doll called "Divorce Barbie" -- she comes complete will all of Ken's stuff.  What really happened between them, one can only guess.  I do have the "Crochet for Barbie Doll" book as pictured on the right (click onto it & it will lead to where you can get more details), but I've yet to crochet anything from it.  Apparently, this hasn't stopped Barbie ... I hear she's a crochet addict and this blog goes into further detail: "Barbie & Ken - Living In A Crocheted Paradise."

          ... Go ahead, discuss.  I'll be back on Sunday. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA, the Barbie threadbared entry cracked me up. Poor Ken.