Hmmmm. You know Dasher, Dancer, Prancer & Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner & Blitzen and you know Rudolph too. But do you know the most famous crochet story of all? ((chuckles)) I think we all have our own crochet stories, but what happens to them when they grow, and grow and grow? Where they grow so much that it becomes legend ...
I wonder just where do urban legends come from? What is their purpose? And how is it that a new chapter seemingly has been written about the magic of my crochet hooks?
This particular chapter starts off when I picked my children up last night. The manager of the daycare facility asked me if I had any scarves, mittens or hats I could donate to their collection. My heart sank as I told them that my stock was wiped out after donating my items this past Sunday. -- But when I got home and found Sherri's scarves there, I just knew what I needed to do! I crocheted a hat up this morning, and another while doing volunteer time at the kids school today. I placed the items into a large bag and donated them earlier this afternoon. The daycare facility couldn't be happier, and I know the recipients they'll be donating them to will be even happier! (Thank you Sherri!!!)
Getting back on track of this new urban legend, as I further utilized my "down time" in the school kitchen this afternoon, I worked on the finishing touches on a Reindeer mitt. As I did a teacher walked in and watched me "work my magic."
"What are you working on," she asked.
"The last of the Reindeer mitts for the show tomorrow night," I replied, not stopping my stitching to look up. My crochet hook was a whirl of motion.
"Think you'll have them ready in time," she inquired.
"I think so," I answered. "They wanted three additional mitts to add to the eight I made two years before, so I should be OK."
She smiled at me and said, "Boy! You sure are good at that! They'll look good in the show." And with that she turned and left the kitchen.
A few minutes later, after tucking in the last of the ends, I turned the mitts in. The Kindergarten teacher who is coordinating the show was tickled! I asked her, "Are you sure you only needed three additional sets?"
"Yes, I only needed three additional sets. Thank you so much for doing this! You're our miracle crocheter," she exclaimed with a big smile.
That made me feel good and I left to return back to the school kitchen.
Since the school kitchen is right next to the gym where the show will take place tomorrow, I got to listen to the children practicing their numbers. Some time passed and I was asked to come peek at the reindeer number; I was thrilled! ... So as they came onto the stage I counted the children, er reindeer. One, two, three, four, five, six. A Santa. Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven ... twelve? Twelve reindeer?!!?
My mind raced with quick addition: eight mitts from 2003, plus three mitts hot off the hook from 2005 = eleven pairs of reindeer mitts -- not twelve!! Two of the children each had on just one mitt. Oh no!
I turned to head back to the kitchen; I knew what was ahead of me for this evening. As I did so the teacher I spoke with in the kitchen earlier turned to me and said, "Oh, another pair of reindeer mitts will be needed!" Then she turned to the school secretary and said, "I know she can do it, she's a miracle worker with that crocheting she does!" The secretary looked my way and gave me a wink. And it's that wink that leads me to believe that a new urban legend chapter had been written.
When we got home I looked up the meaning of "urban legend" and the Merriam Webster dictionary says it's "an often lurid story or anecdote that is based on hearsay and widely circulated as true."
... And when I looked up the meaning of "lurid" it said, "shining with the red glow" (could that mean the glow from Rudolph's red nose?)
... And when I looked up the meaning of "anecdote" it said, "usually a short narrative of an interesting, and/or amusing incident.
The other day I mentioned how the Kindergarten teacher believes I have the entire school crocheting; I know this is not true, at least not yet. Now this other teacher, and the school secretary believes I work magic with my crochet hook. I can't help but chuckle and wonder just how much more this story will grow. And I'm thinking if the Lone Ranger had a side kick, then I'm going to be needing one too. Don't all good urban legends have side kicks? ((grins)) Any volunteers?
In the meantime it's nearly 8:30 PM and I almost have one of the mitts done. All I have left is two more rows, seam up the sides, tuck in the tails and then crochet one more mitt. Hooboy; can I do it? I will admit that I am feeling some discomfort in my wrist, the same as I did in 2003 from all this "emergency -- last minute" crochet work, but I will press on. After all, it's for the children, and it would look hokey if two of the children had to share a pair, right? };o)