What a heart-breaking two weeks!
Don't Bully This Crocheter!
RIP Uncle Teddy |
Uncle Teddy. He loved to tell his childhood stories and having us roar with laughter. Usually at our gatherings I would have a crochet project with me and he would watch me create my stitches with interest. As we talked he would slowly reach out touching the growing fabric and start this childhood story: "
You know, when I was kid, I crocheted...." Only he didn't do it for pleasure. "...
Oh! When I got into trouble, and usually that was very often, I would be punished with crochet! While my friends played ball, I had to sit on the front stoop -- crocheting -- where they could all SEE me doing it!!" I'd watch his face as he recalled these "punishing" sessions; he didn't look angry at the 'shame' of publicly looping yarn around a hook, rather he looked kinda peaceful.
"...and they would tease me," he'd add while reflecting. "
And you know what I said to them?" he'd ask all serious like,
"I told them if they didn't stop that I'd kick all their ___!!" And then he'd laugh and laugh.
"And I did too! I kicked everyone of them that teased me!!" Naturally I would always ask him if he'd like to do a stitch or two on my project,
"What? So you could tease me too?" Clearly, he did not like to be teased, and no, I wouldn't have teased him. I am so going to miss him!
Just one of the estimated 12,000 homes destroyed by the Oklahoma Tornado. This house belongs to my cousins. |
Oklahoma Tornado. In 1995 the company I worked for sent me to Texas for two weeks of training. During the weekend I rented a car and drove to Oklahoma to spend a weekend with my Uncle John (Uncle Teddy's brother); the last time I had seen him I was just a young girl. Uncle John served in the Army for both the Korean and Vietnam Wars earning the rank of Command Sergeant Major; and Uncle Teddy served in the U.S. Air Force as a firefighting paratrooper during the Korean War.
While I was visiting with my uncle I met my 2nd cousin Alexis. She was just a young girl at the time; one of those sweet-things that you just want to bottle up and keep forever! Although she doesn't know it (
maybe if she reads this blog post she will now!), I really credit her sweetness for changing my mind about having kids; yes, she was THAT sweet! For years I had the crayon picture she drew for me hanging on my fridge, eventually replaced by pictures my own kids crafted.
This week the home her mother and brother
live lived in was destroyed by a huge tornado. We are absolutely delighted they are OK. To help them during this difficult time, through Memorial Day, I am giving them all the proceeds from pattern sales through my
Ravely store. To those who already have, or would like to help me help them, I thank you!
And to all those, who served like my two wonderful uncles did, thank you! Although you are gone, your dedication, service, and sacrifices for our Country is very much appreciated!