Saturday, June 19, 2004

A Million Smackers, or Two

John Scalzi of AOL fame is asking the question, "Congratulations! You've been given one million dollars. What would you do with it? But wait! There's more -- seems you've been given two million dollars. Would you do anything different with the second million than you would with the first?"

Well, we all have our dreams, and our obligations, and wishes.  So I had to leave the computer for a bit and ponder the question while doing some serious stitching.

And I think I have an answer.

I think I'd first do the obvious:  I'd first secure my family's future ... secure finances, and pay off debt; then tear down the house, buy the neighbor's (tear it down too!), and build one that includes a studio for myself, and other great necessities (like a 2nd bathroom!) -- but have the house done so that it offers great views of the lake with a beautiful wraparound porch.  Porches, you see, are a reflection of time.  Of an era past that we long for.   Of togetherness.   And I think from there, sitting on that porch, crocheting with family and friends gathered around, is how I'd focus on the remaining balance.

I'd turn to my children who are big readers ... (at ages 5 and 7, they are reading "chapter" books faster than I can supply them!)   I think I'd let them share their passion about reading by letting them select books they like -- to supply to various reading programs for communities in need.  This would help my own children see that they can make a difference too.  :)

Then I'd focus on fiber.  Fiber, in my experience and humble opinion, brings people together.   Not just of different financial backgrounds, but of different heritage's, age, gender, beliefs, creativity, and so forth.   You do not need to know how to speak the same languages to know how angora or cashmere feels and works up.   It's understood.   So, I think I'd follow the footsteps of the couple that opened the store called Knit Together just nearly a year ago -- to create a place where people can come in, admire the latest fibers while having a space to sit and share their passions and learn.

Profits from my store would be donated to local schools art programs ... yes, I have fiber art specifically in mind.   Children would be taught to do crochet, knit, tatting, weaving, and so forth with the goal of giving something back to their community at the end of the year.   Four major goals would be accomplished:

  • Children's math skills would improve, as art is a form of mathematics
  • Children would learn patience as they slowly watch their project grow
  • Children would learn the importance of giving to their community; how their small project can impact another person's life, and how their combined project together aids more.
  • Children learn a skill they can enjoy for the rest of their lives
  • Of the second million, again, I'd turn to fiber.   Through the store I'd have events that welcome people in to offer their skills to crochet, knit, stitch for those in need, of which I'd provide the materials for free.   The items would be given locally, and throughout the world -- from blankets to warm our homeless, to cotton bandages to wash & reuse.

    Money would go to open or fund a farm for troubled teens to run as a business.   They'd learn to care for crops that feed the livestock, learn skills such as sheering  sheep, and the process of turning it into fiber  -- with the ultimate goal of teaching them a sense of accomplishment and pride.   The funds they raise from working the farm would go towards furthering their education ... be it to get them into a local college, or into a training school.   If the program turned out to be successful, more farms would be started. 


    Now, while I'm thinking about where thenearest location is that's selling PowerBall tickets, I thought I'd throw in an update for those tracking my crochet progress...

    The Bridal Money Bag is completely done! (YeeHaw!!)  I added some beautiful dangling crystals with some delicious angora yarn, and tucked in all the ends. Now I need to get back to my prebeading (my "Bead Team" is presently wrapping gifts for Dad) to use on the Ring Bearer's Pillow ... Oh, it's getting close! 


    Some final thoughts about money:  The US Currency is made of fiber.  Cotton and Linen to be exact.   So it seems natural that I would want to invest in fiber be it personally or communistically.

    By the way, John, you didn't ask us how'd we like our money.  I'll take mine to weigh 40.8 pounds, please.  It would be much easier than having to carry 4081.6 pounds worth to the bank.   (where'd I come up with this weight? ... you can find out by clicking here to learn this and other interesting facts about US currency.)

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