Tuesday, June 29, 2004


On June 22 I wrote about my thoughts of "work" and even consulted the dictionary to ensure what I do is considered as "work" rather than fun.
(Click Here to see that Journal Entry) So when I come back to do a double entry for the day in my Journal, you know the dirt I'm about to dish out has got to be good! J

First, let me just say that I am still estatic!

So what happened, you ask? OK, OK, I'm getting to it!

Today, at work, I received a most wonderful surprise!!  This afternoon, as I was in the middle of teaching a fantastically fun class -- with each student working on their own project, laughing and giggling and having fun -- I turned around and had my jaw drop to the floor! (Truly!)

There standing in front of me was Kathleen Power Johnson, greeting ME!!  Kathleen, A NATIONAL Level Crochet/Knit Instructor was there to see ME!!  Although I stood there with my mouth hanging open, I managed to greet her and welcome her to the store as one should, but my mind was doing cartwheels of joy!  (Yes, as a matter of fact, I can do cartwheels for real, but that's another story for another time!)

So how did this come to take place?  (no, not the cartwheels; Kathleen stopping in for a visit!)

I had met Kathleen for the first time last summer when I took her class called "Copy Cat Crochet" at the 2003 CGOA Conference that was held in Chicago.  Well, Kathleen and I exchanged emails a few months back when I elected to sign up for her class called "Knitting for the Complicated Crocheter" that she's offering at the 2004 CGOA Conference (my email to her was more like me sending her a warning that I might be a challenge to teach knitting tobased on my last attempt), and it was during these email exchanges that I learned on occasion she visits Stamford -- so, I invited her to stop in the store sometime and say "Hi."

              AND SHE DID!!
   (cartwheel, cartwheel, cartwheel!)

I'm sure I sound like a kid set loose in a candy store ... Oh, I was just absolutely THRILLED that she stopped in, and hope she does again the next time she's visiting from Florida.  She's so nice!!  In the meantime, I'm looking forward to seeing her again in three weeks ... at the Conference ... J

                                (cartwheel, cartwheel, cartwheel!)

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