Every couple of months I go to the Barnes & Noble website to see what new books will be coming hot off the press. This morning, having had a few extra moments between chasing the kids around the house so that they wouldn't be late for school, I got a chance to enjoy my coffee and check out the write-ups of some of the new releases. I'm very excited about a few of the new prospects: The first book that immediately caught my eye, although I've yet to see it in person, looks to be promising as a recommendation for my "newbie" students ... it's called "The Crochet Answer Book: Solutions to Every Problem You'll Ever Face: Answers to Every Question You'll Ever Ask" by Edie Eckman and Margaret Radcliffe. The write-up states the book will "...leave no question unanswered, no quandary unaddressed." I question how many books it actually will end up being because it also states "each book contains detailed, illustrated answers to literally hundreds of questions, from the common to the more unusual." Nonetheless, I'm excited, and cannot wait to check it out come August when it's officially released.
The next book, that's on my wish list ofbooks to check out is coming out this September. It's called "Felted Crochet" by Jane Davis. There's been a tremendous amount of interest in felting crochet lately and it's about time there was an entire book dedicated to crochet and felting all in one place. ("You mean you want the item to shrink??" my husband asks) September ... that's only 4 months to wait; I can do that, can't I??
Finally, I want to show off one of my crochet students' beautiful crochet work ... this is Nicki to the right ... didn't she do just a fabulous job!! She got the pattern from the recently published book, "Hooked on Crochet" by Candi Jensen. Hmmmmm...seems that's another book for me to check out! Thanks for the inspiration, Nicki!!! :)
Oh, so many books, so many projects! LOL Will it ever possible to get to each and every project that tickles your fancy?? I don't know; but it's sure going to be fun trying!!!
Dee thanks for the info about the Felting Crocheted book. I don't think I can wait but I will have to. I am so addicted to felting right now. I can not wait to try crocheting & felting.... wow. Great Job!
I don't crochet, but my friend does. I will forward this to her.
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