Wednesday, May 11, 2005

More Yarn Will Do the Trick

There's no pulling the wool, or in this case, the silk, over my readers eyes!  You all got the answer to yesterday's trivia question!  So, let me ask, did you also know that A.)  Silk worms are not worms?  They're caterpillars! 
And B.)  That you can crochet direct from a silk "hankie"?  Yep!!

My first time crocheting with raw silk was during a class I took at the 2003 CGOA National Conference.  The Conference was held in Chicago, and the class I took was called "Crocheting with Unspun Roving" taught by Janet Rehfeldt, co-author of the book "Crocheted Socks!: 16 Fun-to-Stitch Patterns(see picture of Janet teaching the class to the left).   Noticing the phenomenon of "crocheter's fiber twisting" with each stitch really sank in for me during this class! ... and I hope that my last two journal entries here have helped you understand the phenomenon too.

If you'd like to learn more about silk, then you may be interested in visiting these two websites: and thesciencefiles

If you'd like to read a little bit more about my experience at the 2003 CGOA Conference & see a few more pictures, then click here. (Be sure to check out my slippers I entered into the contest; they're a riot if I do say so myself!  They came in Second Place!)

Now, about the title of my entry ... it's actually the title of a website I'd like for you all to give a little visit to! ( Since I commute over an hour (one way) to one of the shops I teach at, I've always thought that there should be some music that's about fiber.  I thought, as I was teaching one of my classes yesterday, that I had heard a song mention yarn.  Was I loosing my mind?  No!  They had a CD by Jean Moss singing some ditties about our fiber passion.  So, when I got home I went searching for her on the Internet.  I found her website and clicked onto the link to listen to a sample but found that the link was broken!  (Oh no!)  So I sent them an email this morning -- and received a prompt reply back!  I'm happy to report that the link is now working (and that they're sending me a CD to review!).  Other good news, if you're interested in ordering the CD, they ship anywhere around the world!!  Now how awesome is that?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!  I LOVE the slippers!  Not just yours but everyone's!  Kind of reminds me of a "World's Ugliest Quilt" contest that was held on the World Wide Quilting page.  People were making quilts out of stuffed bra cups!!!  They discontinued the contest, but I had a fun time looking at the pictures which really weren't ugly as much as they were unusual and fun like the slippers.  Definitely good for a laugh!  Sheila

PS - No, I did NOT know that about silk!