Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Having over four years of blog enties can make diving into the past a bit ... interesting.  While I am busy preparing the materials for my upcoming classes, I thought I'd share with you all what I've done on this date in the past:

Last year: I must have been under the influence as there is no entry for the 14th.  The entry for the 13th might hold some clues {snicker}: http://journals.aol.com/crochetwithdee/CrochetWithDee/entries/2007/07/13/cgoa-2007-conference-day-one/2182

In 2006, I was taking classes and hanging out with some really great crocheters (wow; Doris' hair was short!): http://journals.aol.com/crochetwithdee/CrochetWithDee/entries/2006/07/13/cgoa-2006-national-conference-day-one/1840

In 2005, I was under the influence of ... chocolate.  In rereading the entry, it sure "sounds" like there was a lot of sugar involved: http://journals.aol.com/crochetwithdee/CrochetWithDee/entries/2005/07/14/chocolate-on-my-face.../1479 ... yeah, and whatever happened to those projects?  I may need to investigate this after the Conference!

And finally, in 2004, I learned I had a pretty big boo boo: http://journals.aol.com/crochetwithdee/CrochetWithDee/entries/2004/07/14/out-of-commission-part-ii/782

I hope you all enjoyed flashing back with me.  :)

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