Thursday, July 31, 2008
CGOA Fashion Show: Kodak Moments
The evening started out fine ... kids were good to go, and I was taking fun pictures of people at various tables when my Kodak camera started getting hot. Very hot. Granted it is a few years old, but "hot" is not something I've experienced with this camera before. So, as you look at the pictures today, you'll see they start out fairly good and then start getting darker (yes, I've spent a lot of time lightening them!) and they'll start to appear a bit blury too. The photos that were the worst I've decided not to upload at all. (If blur and darkness excites you, I do believe AOL has an option where you can order prints; you will need to click onto the "View Larger" option which leads to their Print Store. I've never used it so I can't say exactly how it works.)
I do need help in identifying many of the designers ... so if you know, please share that information with me. I'm off to see what pictures are on the Cannon.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
CGOA Fashion Show: "What a Hoot!"
We arrived safely home last night and have spent the day unpacking ... and many hours later, we're still unpacking. But why should that prevent you from getting another little taste of the CGOA's Fashion Show? It doesn't! I have another little sample for you all to enjoy!!
But, first, let me set the scene. Months ago, Melanie Gill, member of the International Free Form Crochet Guild put out the call for scrumbles. The plan: to create for Brian, of, a freeform vest and surprise him with it at the Conference. I contributed these pieces:
The last piece pictured on the right I had created to resemble an ice cream cone because Brian is such a sweet~heart! (And so is his wife, Anne!)
The plan worked! Mel presented/surprised him with the vest at the Freeform Dinner on Friday night (I wasn't able to attend the dinner this year) and he wore it -- rather, he modeled it! -- at the CGOA's Fashion Show the next evening.
Sit back and enjoy Brian's hamming it up on the catwalk! ...
Not to be outdone by her husband, Anne wore the pink-theme freeform bra I had created two years ago for the Bravo Auction in 2006 when the Conference was in Pennsylvania -- she looked fantastic wearing it!!! To Anne's right is her husband, Brian -- pre-vest hysteria! {VBG}
There were a total of 29 contributors from around the world, under the vision of Melanie Gill, and the assistance of Barbara H. Van Elsen, that made this project possible. As I receive permission to post contributors names, I will add them here:
* Bonnie Pierce, United States. Website: &
* Melanie Gill, United States. Contributor and Coordinator
* Barbara H. Van Elsen, United States. Website:
* Maven, United States. Website:
* Jorel Thomson, United States.
* Diane Moyer, United States.
* Myself, Dee Stanziano, United States.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
"Crochet Recovery Retreat"
I still have not returned home from the Conference. We spent yesterday touring around in Maine, requiring me to call the
"Getting Loopy Show" from a restaurant parking lot last night! (see pic below on left)
At this moment I'm not sure where I am other than it being a Holiday Inn hotel, possibly in Massachusetts. My sweet Mr. Dee is calling this place an oasis; a "crochet recovery retreat" for me to recharge my batteries after a very fun week of taking classes, teaching classes, spending time with my old and new friends, and so on. I'm looking at this as an opportunity to explore the world around me -- and possibly for arranging a pit stop at WEBs (a really, really huge yarn shop) on the way home. More conferece details coming soon! :)
Monday, July 28, 2008
The 2008 CGOA Fashion Show: National Conference
This year I thought I would offer a little video from a few of the wonderful items modeled on the catwalk. Drew, The Crochet Dude, was the emcee. Modeling are Doris Chan, Melanie Mays, and Lily Chin:
(Hey, this took me all morning to put together rather than packing luggage; I hope you all like it!)
My hotel check-out time is quickly approaching; so photos will be added later. For a post-conference review, I'll be on the Getting Loopy show tonight with Mary Beth Temple. Be sure to tune in!! :)
Chain Link: Day Four
Before I go into details about Day Four, I want to answer the question of what "Chain Link" is. Chain Link is the original name for the Crochet Guild of America's conferences. It was changed to "Knit and Crochet Show" when the conference was combined with the Knitting Guild's regional conference. Those that have been members of the Crochet Guild of America before the merge still refer to the conference as "Chain Link." :)
So, how was day four; my second day of teaching at the conference? My second day teaching was another accomplished milestone for me -- teaching my first six hour class at the conference -- and I enjoyed every minute of it! This class was called "Crochet Your Knit" and I had a great bunch of students willing to rethink concepts about crochet, about hook placement, yarn overs, and more. We discussed crochet hooks, and even adored Margaret's beautiful crochet hook collection!
After class it was time for everyone to get ready for the Fashion Show ... details for that coming soon ...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Chain Link: Day Three
Wow. How do I start describing how I felt the minute I woke up? Thrilled, nervous, excited, jubilee ... this was the day, my first day of having a dream come true, teaching at the Crochet Guild of America's National Convention. And today was that day!
The first class I taught was Crochet 101. And I had the best students! They all progressed quickly and confidently from chaining to making various stitches. We covered keeping stitches straight, increasing, decreasing, joining yarn on, ending off, abbreviations -- they were great! One of my students spent some 31 hours in an airport waiting to come to Chain Link; the wait was caused by the severe weather New Hampshire had been experiencing. She said at the end of my class that the wait was worth it! That was such a compliment!
Teaching my second class, Pushmi Pullyu, went well too! Later in the evening, while attending the Annual Members Meeting several people came up to me and said they heard good things about this class and wanted more information about it. The positive second-hand feedback put me on cloud nine as that means that not only did my students enjoy this new concept, but they're telling other people about it. Awesome!
After teaching my second class and attending the Annual Members Meeting, I attending the Chapter's Coffee meeting. It was great hearing about what other Chapters do. Very inspirational, and I will be bringing some of their ideas back to my Chapter when I return home.
And now it's time for Day Four to begin ...
Friday, July 25, 2008
Chain Link: Day Two, cont.
I am experiencing some technical difficulties this morning with my blog -- the Day Two blog entry was much, much longer, complete with pictures. I will edit this space later with more information. For now, I've got to get ready to teach my first --ever-- class here at the Conference! :)
There was another "after hours" gathering in my hotel room ...
Chain Link: Day Two
The second day at the Conference was fantastic. It was the only day I had available to take classes (the rest I'll be teaching). I decided to take a class with Myra Woods, author of the book, "Creative Crochet Lace; A Freeform look at Classic Crochet." The class I took with her was on self-publishing. And wow! I have some homework to do!! The information she provided was fantastic!
My second class was with Lily Chin. It seems nearly every year I take a class with her at the CGOA Conference and with good reason -- she knows her stuff! The class I took was on darts; short rowing in crochet from the bottom up, from the top down, and from side to side. Fantastic!
Between the classes I got to hang out with lots of yarn-loving folks, which is where I bumped into Amy from Crochetville. She was getting sound bytes for an upcoming podcast and right after she was done recording Mary Beth, it was my turn. Thankfully Mary Beth hung out after she was done to coach me a bit! ((Big hugs MB!!))
Thursday, July 24, 2008
After hOURS ...
Of course, "What happens in Manchester, Stays in Manchester," works too. In fact, there's a T-shirt in the hotel lobby's store that I just may need to purchase ...
That's about all the details you'll be able to pull out of me (bribes of yarn might work ...); it's time to head off to class!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Professional Development Day
At 8:15 this morning I stood in line with many other sleepy crocheters and knitters to pick up our packets and goodie bags -- I've yet to peek inside to see what treasures are inside.
At 8:30 I was in the banquet room, and Drew, the Crochet Dude, started the informative day. There were even door prizes -- and yes, I won one! (details on that later)
Rita Weiss and Jean Leinhauser held the floor and discussed various aspects of the publishing world. They are so funny! For those new to the crochet world, visit your local Michaels Arts & Crafts, Joanns, or other craft/yarn shop and look at the books. You'll see that their names are on many, many book covers!!At lunch Amy Shelton, co-owner of Crochetville was our guest speaker. She did a really great job.
The second session of Professional Day was what they call the "Break Out Session." There were three in all. The Break Out Session is where there are a host of professionals you could choose from, each one with a different topic.
I chose to sit with Edie Echman, Robyn Chachula, and with Mary Beth Temple. My head is just swimming with very useful information -- thank goodness for the handouts!!!
Professional Development Day is great for those interested in taking their crochet passion to the next level -- going professional. You get to meet so many people in the industry! ... and the most interesting thing here is that the only organization offering such a day is the CrochetGuild of America. For more information, visit their website at
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Checking In
I decided to crochet for one hour last night ... midnight to one in the morning. It was a quiet time and I figured I would be able to get a lot of stitching done. I was right. Only I hadn't planned on having Mini~Dee watch me; one would think that it would lull a child to sleep, but not this one! She watches me crochet even when I think she's not!!
I got up early (7 AM) and decided to do more crocheting. Why not? I'm excited and can't sleep. I let the family sleep in. At 9:00 they started to stir; Mini~Dee was the last to awake, and she found me sitting in the exact same chair, still in my pj's -- I am waiting to see if she is going to inquire if I spent the entire evening crocheting!
So, why all the stitching? Would you believe it's for the Fashion Show on Saturday night? I never finished it ... and now with just about six more rows to go, it's looking promising that I will have it done in time. The funny thing is, I'm sure there will be other crocheters doing the same thing -- some working up to just minutes until their model is scheduled to hit the catwalk! How's that for procrastination? LOL -- yes, that was me back when the Conference was in Pennsylvania!
Since the weather is murky, we decided we will visit a local museum this afternoon and then return to the hotel so the kids can swim in the pool. I like the sound of that -- nice and relaxing! :)
10:41 PM UPDATE: We nixed going to the museum and decided to visit a local zoo. It was a great way to spend the afternoon. Mr. Dee took the kids swimming while I went to dinner with a lot of early attendees ...
I got to meet Kim Guzman, hang out with Karen, and with MaryBeth and her daughter ...
With Drew, Vashti, Doris, Nancy, Margaret, Marty, and sooooooo many, many more people! And soooooooo much fun!!
Tomorrow morning will come quick ... it's early to rise in order to get to Professional Development Day on time! Details soon!! :)
PS: Who was the VIP on Monday night??? It was Presidential Candidate John McCain.
Monday, July 21, 2008
We Arrived!
We arrived in New Hampshire just a short while ago -- we got a "corner" room and it is HUGE!! (Note to self, hotel corner rooms ROCK!). When we pulled into the hotel we saw orange cones out blocking any spaces for parking -- so we parked under the overhang and started to unload.
While we were unloading who should we see? Doris Chan and Jenny King -- AWESOME!!!
So there we were, standing next to my van yacking away about yarn and crochet as my dear Mr. Dee and kids unload. A guy from the hotel approached us and declares we must move -- they're expecting a VIP.
"A VIP," I said, "what do you mean you're expecting a VIP? I'm here, Doris is here and so is Jenny." (My attempt at humor.)
He didn't buy it. So we moved.
Inside the hotel, the kids and I saw guys in dark suits talking to their wrists with "sniffing" dogs. Wonder who the VIP is?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Preparations ...
It has been a very busy time, and in reading other blogs this morning, those going to the Conference in the days to come are just as busy. How is it we have a year to plan and it's never enough time, nor does it get here quick enough? {grins}My children have been an awesome workforce ... from cleaning out my van (I usually haul around crochet supplies as one never knows ... ), to assembling various class supplies. They are also fully packed and ready to go; if I'm not mistaken, they have had the map out, tracing the route too. It's just us adults, as they pointed out earlier this morning over breakfast, that haven't gotten our acts together. If they keep the teasing up they'll be riding the four plus hours to New Hampshire strapped to the top of the van. Wait, I'm rethinking that. They read this over my shoulder and are now dancing around the kitchen, high-fiving each other while shouting out "Cool!" Maybe I should check with Nancy to see if she really IS going to bring snowballs ...
We will be bringing the laptop and I plan on blogging -- hopefully everyday -- about the event. If you are unable to attend and would like for me to report back on something specific, please feel free to ask and I'll do my best. I do know that there will be a special LIVE broadcast of GETTING LOOPY from the Vendor's Floor, on Thursday, July 24th starting at 7:30 PM (ET), so do consider tuning in. And then, at another time yet to be set, I have volunteered to lend my untrained (ahem, out of tune/tone deaf) voice for some singing? (Cover your ears now! yeah, that should be a treat. LOL)
OK, my coffee mug is empty and that means my break is over. Time to get back to work, or as the kids are chanting, it's time to do more packing ...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Bling Bling for the Conference
The Conference is just days away and I am finishing up loose ends --
but that doesn't mean I haven't tinkered with my crochet hook ... or my pliers. You see, I decided I needed some "bling bling" to wear with my newly crocheted attire while at the Conference.
So, during a break from getting ready, I dug through my "other" stash ... the one I've been building up of various wires and charms and such and this is what I came up with to create: an anklet and a pair of earrings.
It took about an hour to crochet up the anklet ... a series of chains that were then braided together, and about two minutes to assemble the sterling silver earrings. (I purchased the crochet hook charms through Patternworks awhile back; I don't think they have any more.)
Is it hard to crochet with wire? It doesn't need to be. The thinner the wire, the easier it is to work up -- and you'll want to use a crochet hook you're not fond of as the wire will certainly scar it/scrape it up. It certainly is fun to experiment with!
Maybe I'll get lucky at the Vendors Market and find little charms that look like balls of yarn to add to my earrings! :)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Replying to Dear Abby
Sheila asked this morning what our thoughts on this are:
ABBY: Is it rude or inconsiderate for a person to knit, crochet or piece a quilt while attending a meeting or other gathering? -- CURIOUS IN THE SUNBELT
DEAR CURIOUS: Although I may get some argument about this, I do think it's rude. When someone is attending a meeting or a social gathering, it is considered good manners to give the speaker or other attendees your full attention. And while I expect to hear from readers who say they can "multi-task," to do so sends the wrong message.
Here is what I think:
Dear Abby,
How does one politely tell an advice columnist that an answer provided was incorrect?
Knitting, crocheting, or quilting at a meeting or gathering is not considered rude IF the person to do the hand stitching inquired -- prior to doing so -- if they may? Most of these hand stitchers will bring "simple" work with them so they won't cause distraction or break their concentration of listening to the speaker.
How effective is knitting, crocheting, or quilting while at a meeting or gathering? Based upon schools teaching crochet and knitting to grades 3-5, and allowing those kids to create stitches while being taught history, social studies, and math, it is very effective. The kids are able to sit quietly in their chairs for greater lengths of time while they absorb more of the lesson being taught -- and as a bonus, their math scores are going up. (Math is a huge part of the fiber arts!)
So, a better answer would have been: Would you rather an attendee be productive by quietly knitting, crocheting, or quilting with permission, or would you rather that attendee spend their time at the meeting/gathering text messaging or reading their personal emails?
(To be fair, you stuck the word "social" in your reply. Yes, it would be wrong to knit, crochet or quilt at a Wedding, Funeral, or some other function of equal importance.)
~Considerate Crocheter in Connecticut
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Guest Blogger: Dee Jr.
When she later requested if we'd like to help her make some class samples for her "Hand Jive" class, we shouted "Yes!" To the right you can see my "Critter Cuff" I designed. Isn't he cute? He took eight fingers and two people to make! He isn't crocheted or knitted. He was created by finger weaving. Finger weaving is fun to do!
I think my "Critter Cuff" needs a friend so I'm off to go make another one. It's either that or continuing to clean out Mom's van. Which would you choose to do? :)
Having over four years of blog enties can make diving into the past a bit ... interesting. While I am busy preparing the materials for my upcoming classes, I thought I'd share with you all what I've done on this date in the past:
Last year: I must have been under the influence as there is no entry for the 14th. The entry for the 13th might hold some clues {snicker}:
In 2006, I was taking classes and hanging out with some really great crocheters (wow; Doris' hair was short!):
In 2005, I was under the influence of ... chocolate. In rereading the entry, it sure "sounds" like there was a lot of sugar involved: ... yeah, and whatever happened to those projects? I may need to investigate this after the Conference!
And finally, in 2004, I learned I had a pretty big boo boo:
I hope you all enjoyed flashing back with me. :)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
hot cinnamon candy ...
Mr. Dee came home from work last night, greeted at the door by Deesire. He smiled, as this was an unusual treat. Deesire stood there, at the door, wearing nothing but a hot red ... wait a minute here, this is beginning to sound a lot like the beginnings of a romance novel!
Yes, but isn't there a saying that truth can be stranger than fiction? The truth is, Deesire was standing by the door just as Mr. Dee came home -- I just dressed her in the latest item hot off my crochet hook, inspired by this project I had seen right after posting about finishing Model 13. I loved the simplistic stitching, and had drempt about it Friday night.
"Oh, don't tell me you crocheted all this today!" Mr. Dee exclaimed, "I love it!"
I smiled and nodded my head yes, that's exactly what I did. When I awoke the design was in my head and insisted on being worked out through my hands, through my hook. "Why, you are to yarn what Picasso was to paint!" he replied. Have I said how much I love the way he supports me? Ah, I do!
So here are some details: I used an "H" Graydog hook, and four balls of Lily Chin's Signature Collection yarn called "Greenwich Village In reality, the coloring is a deep red ... like those hot cinnamon candies found at the movies, and so that's what I'm naming this piece. :)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
In the height of my sleep drepravation caused by "one more stitch" syndrome, I asked you, my readers, to help me name my mannequin.
I'm not sure how to close the poll, but as it stands at this moment, Deesire received the most votes with Deedra coming in second. Deelyne came in tied for last; I found this interesting since it is part of my real name ... the "lyne" part it, pronounced "Lynn." However, I do think Deesire is the right name for my mannequin, because I desire to finish more projects. I desire to design more projects. I desire to have more projects fit ME. So there you have it. Deesire. Thank you everyone for voting!
And so, to go along with Deesire's official name ceremony, Desire is modeling my latest finished project hot off my crochet hook: Model 13. (Hey, I didn't name it, that German magazine did. I would have picked out a more alluring name to match the pretty stitches!)
For now, I hear her screaming. (Yeah, I know she's headless.) I need to go rescue her, bringing her back into the house to safety. The kids are having a water balloon fight and she has no way to run and no way to defend herself. But I do; I deesire to! Once she's safely back inside I will take revenge upon the children for scaring her so badly. I have a water hose, and I have great aim! LOL
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Question from Readers: Crocheting Numbers
Hello Dee
My name is Ronna and I am in some need to learn how to Crochet Numbers. I seen your Blog and all the work you have done and thought that you would be the right person to get ahold of. I am wanting to make a blanket for my sister and she is a big race fan and I want to put the numbers 88 in them but still learning on crocheting. Is there anywhere that I can go to that will show me step by step on how to make them or can you tell me. I am still new at crocheting so I haven't got the meanings down yet but really would like to do this for her. If you can Please help it would be greatful. Thank You for your time.
Hi Ronna,
Thank you for visiting with me here at CrochetingWithDee and at my PictureTrail albums.
I think it's great you're learning how to crochet, and that you want to crochet something very special for your sister. To answer your question, there are three ways you can crochet your "88" ...
1. Graph Crochet. Graph crochet is the technique of following a graph of a picture, changing colors where needed. One row you read the chart from right to left, and the next you read it from left to right until the piece is completed. I suggest visiting the website as they have a little chart of a heart that you can practice with. They might also have a graph of a race car or number(s) that will suit your needs. The funds they raise from selling the graphs goes towards Project Linus -- a very good cause. The little heart chart is free. The image you see on the right was designed by my bbf Patti -- she designed it using a spread sheet and surprised her son with it this past Christmas. (Clicking onto the image will bring you to the blogentry about it)
2. Surface Crochet. Surface crochet is the technique of crocheting on top of work already completed. Designer Doris Chan just blogged about a new belt pattern that she had published -- and on it you can see she surface crocheted a simple design.
3. You can crochet a separate piece and sew it on the larger, known as embellishing. Check with your local library to see if they can obtain a filet crochet book for you that includes lettering & numbers -- that could do the trick.
All three of these techniques require nothing more than knowing the basics in crochet, how to change/add on a new color, and how to do basic sewing. I suggest practicing on a small piece/project first to build your confidence and skill. Good luck, and thank you for stopping by!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
"finish me with grandeur!"
I think it's a healthy thing to have several projects on the hook at one time. Not a million projects mind you, because that would be an insane job to keep track of! But having several projects, like I just stated, is a good thing.
Why is that? Because sometimes you get to a point in a project where inspiration just stops. You'll be going gangbusters, when **POOFF** the mind is shot, and it does no good to try to force yourself to finish it (unless there is a deadline, and that's another topic for another day). The best thing to do is to set the project aside, work on another, and await for it to call to you that it's ready for more attention.
That's what happened to me today. A project I set aside a few weeks ago called to me. "Dee, Finish me," it called, "finish me with grandeur!"
Rightttt. I knew what it wanted. I knew the moment it started calling my name -- it wanted a beaded trim along with a crocheted side edging -- an original edging that went forwards, and backwards -- to compliment the body of the stitch work. In other words, it was a simplistically~complicated ending that this project was calling for. And I was in the mood today to pick it up again!
I am delighted I waited to finish this piece as I love the way it finally all came together. Yes, it took a "cooling off period" to happen -- but that's just it. It did happen; inspiration for the piece returned and I couldn't be happier!
(sorry, no pattern available.)
Monday, July 7, 2008
"Maybe get a blister on your little finger"
Sneak Peek of the work in progress:
And yes, I really do have a blister on my finger. That I can deal with. That song floating around, and around in my head, now that's a different story!
That ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your chicks for free
Now that ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya, them guys ain't dumb
Maybe get a blister on your little finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Strawberry Fields
Today I feel as though I am the luckiest woman on the face of the earth ... OK, so I lifted that line and tweaked it a bit from Lou Gehrig's famous speech. But still, it's how I feel -- everyday!
How else can one fully express how her Mr. Dee makes her feel -- for willing to take photographs of his wife playing with yarn in the middle of a strawberry field, paying no mind to the onlookers who were there to pick strawberries? (to prove the point of how portable the fiber arts really are!) From testing out instructions for her upcoming Hand-Jive class, making his fingers do foreign maneuvers? For never complaining about the yarn taking over the house? For helping to part couch cushions late at night in search of an elusive crochet hook? For taking dictation as his wife calls out strange sounds, "sc," "ch," "dc" ...? And much, much more!
This isn't his first time he has done these types of things for me ... he has been doing this for years! Indeed, he makes me feel as though I am the luckiest woman on the face of the earth; he is my biggest cheerleader. He's an awesome guy, and I couldn't be more lucky in having him as my husband, as my bff!!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Crochet Trivia: Did Ewe Know?
Did Ewe Know?
David Humpreys once had a town named after him, it was called "Humpreysville" and was located in what is now known as Seymour, Connecticut.
David joined the New York Militia regiment in 1776 and worked his way up to eventually being named the first United States Minister to Portugal.
It was during this time, while visiting Spain, that he developed an interest in sheep breeding, later introducing merino wool to Connecticut. This lead to him eventually improving the quality of American wool in his mill, creating fine fabrics that were used to create the inaugural uniforms for Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington. George Washington's uniform is on display at the Smithsonian Institute. To learn more about David Humphreys, click here.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Birthday
May your 4th of July be happy, fun and safe!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Project Details: spilling the beans
I took the kids to their music lessons this morning when Dee Jr. snapped this picture with my cell phone:
Yep, that's me, taking advantage of some quiet moments while sitting in my vehicle. Those ends, no matter how much I wish it, will never weave themselves in!
Jane from Hooked on Crochet, inquired, "I love this project, the stitch pattern, style and fit, yarn & colors. Can you tell us more about the pattern and yarn? Or do we have to wait for the conference?"
No need to wait, Jane. I'll happily spill the beans.
The pattern is featured in the German magazine known as Online (Spring/Summer 2007 issue). The pattern is named "Model 13." There is no mention of who the designer is. The website address is ... if you need help in figuring out how to read it (like I did), plug the URL into Google's translator.
The yarn I decided to use is Madil Yarns' Eden Print -- in their blue/green/grey colorway (#036). This is a bamboo yarn that normally retails for around $7.00 a ball. I used a size "F" Graydog (brand) crochet hook. I purchased a bag consisting of 10 balls (this ensured I had all of the same dye lot), and thus far have used 8. I still have the final trim to add, and believe I will end up using nearly all 10 balls.
There were also inquiries about the crochet hook my Mini~Dee mentioned yesterday that was created from salvaged pianos -- the maker of that hook is "Susanne," and interesting enough, happens to also come from Germany. They retail for about $12 each. (Do note that the heads are not consistent in shape from hook to hook.)
Does this mean you need to travel to Germany to check out these treats? Nope! All one needs to do is either drive to Northampton, Massachusetts, or do a little typing on the keyboard to visit WEBs.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Guest Blogger: Mini~Dee
Hi everyone! Mom is busy doing stuff. You know, getting ready for the Conference. She has been working very hard, and gets very excited when UPS comes with deliveries! I am helping her out today by blogging for her.
Did she tell you what she did for my Hooks & Needles Club we started at my school a few months ago? On the last day of school she handed out printed certificates off the Each One Teach Two website and along with thanking all the members, she gave everyone a pretty skein of yarn. I thought that was pretty nice of her to do. She also gave the other Mom, who was helping her at the meetings, a pretty crochet hook that was made from a recycled piano. That was cool!
I seem to have been crocheting a poncho for myself for, well, it seems like forever. But not really. It just feels that way because you have to make a bunch of tiny squares and then later sew them all together. I don't think it will be done in time for the conference, but at least I can pack it and bring it with me. Today I worked on making a hat for my American Girl doll.
I'm pretty excited about going to the conference too. This will be the first year I get to take a class! I'm taking a class with Myra Woods. It should be fun. Plus I'll get to see the friends I made last year!
Bye! Mini~Dee