Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Running Wild

Tiny little snow flakes have been falling since late afternoon.  Our area is expected to get 3-5 inches of snow before freezing rain (sleet) settles in.  This means that tress that have already been heavy holding several pounds of ice will be heavier.  And this could mean a power outage for us since our neighborhood is "established" (AKA "older") with mature trees.

But losing power doesn't mean that we will necessarily need to use candles.  No, the family can just gather around me and bask in the glow of my red nose.  I so know how poor Rudolph felt.  The good news is that I feel a surge of energy coming to me (it could mean I'm finally beating this cold!) -- the bad news is that I'll need to use the energy to go shovel before it turns into heavy ice.  Hubby is still at work.  Phooey.

So what have I been up to other than clinging to a box of tissues and camping on the couch?  Well, I received a catalog from the Fire Mountain Gems & Beads folks.  Don't know why; I don't recall shopping with them or requesting a catalog.  Nonetheless, I'm tickled that they sent it.  I spent this afternoon flipping through their hundreds of pages of beads & findings and let my imagination run wild.  Normally this is a bad thing, letting my imagination run.  But having kept it cooped up, it was time to let it roam.

In my mind I have a zillion things I'd like to order.  I do have a birthday coming up (kinda), so maybe a Wish List is doable.  I get so many compliments on my wire & fiber crocheted necklace that I'd like to make more.  It's just deciding which beads, which findings to use that make the creative journey so much fun.  And this is why, besides trying to conserve my physical energy to concentrate on beating this sickie bug, that I let my imagination run wild.  Oh the possibilities!!

After all, that's got to be better than being the standby lighting in the event of a power outage.

If you're interested in adding beads to your crochet work, check out the following links:
BeadWrangler has a lot of how-to's, including video!
Bead & Button Magazine (you can subscribe for less at this site:  magazinevalues) has lots of great ideas, including mixing with crochet!
* Check out the book, Bead Crochet by Bethany Barry.  It's got some really imaginative pieces in it combining beads & crochet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the links, Dee!  I'm sure that now my niece is an official teenager, everything will be made "cooler" by adding some beads.

Be careful in the bad weather and my prayers that the electricity doesn't go out.

Don't overdo trying to get better, just get better!
