I don't know what I did to myself, but I'm confined to bed with a very sore back. Fortunately for me, my kids are taking great care of me -- they're keeping a heatpad on my back, covered me with their favorite blankies, and have read seven childern's books to me in the past hour.

My son asked if I'd be doing any crocheting today, and when I said "no" he replied, "Oh, then this is bad. You must be in a lot of pain." (Isn't that cute?)
So I'm laying on my side and it occurred to me that it would be a great option if we could rotate the monitor orentation (change it to sideways) for moments like this. For real though, TG for laptops -- yes, my kids brought it in for me to use while laying in bed.
I'd like to send a HUGH Thank You out to Brittany for creating the animated doll graphic for my new free pattern I created -- its for creating caps (hats) for kids with cancer. I know these types of graphics are prized by kids, and when I asked if she could create one for me with no hair I thought I'd be pushing my luck. But in this morning's emails, there she was! I am so tickled! Thank you, Brittany!
(Hmmm, I wonder if those are crocheted appliqués on the jeans, and if that's a belt made of thread granny squares ... hey, just because I can't crochet today doesn't mean I can't think about it! LOL)
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Your Very Welcome...LOL I've had Stranger requests than a bald Doll LOL
I thought that your journal is very nice. I don't know how to crochet..... (i don't even know if that is how it is spelled)- but I know that I used to watch my grandma do it.... she was wonderful at it..... what I was wondering is if you had a good way to learn how to crochet??? I mean, do you read and learn? Watch and learn? I learned how to play instruments by watching people play them- do u think that I would also have to watch someone creating a masterpiece for me to learn? Just a question!
I also thought that the icon that Brittany made for you was, not only great looking, I also thought that it was a great gesture for a real cause.
Have a good day! C YA!
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