Saturday, August 7, 2004

Thumbs, er, HOOKS UP: Crochet Fantasy

      As I'm still not up to par: still unable to speak, or swallow without being in sheer pain (the tylenol with codeine is now taking care of that problem, as the antibiotics attempt to combat this nasty germ I picked up from GKW! -- and to top it off, I'm still dealing with my two ruptured discs too -- I refuse to let these things beat me down!...), I got rather excited when I my husband handed me the latest issue of CROCHET FANTASY that came in the mail.

     Knowing Ponchos are all the rave, it was wonderful to see some variations in this edition, along with some gorgeous sweaters ... including a pattern for a man's sweater, all to consider trying.  But what got my heart pumping with the most excitement, was a new addition to the magazine that they're calling an "installment."

     It's called "Kids' Corner" and it's for "...getting the word out and [to] attract a new generation to the craft of crochet, [they] decided to dedicate a section of [their] magazine to the designs that will appeal to a younger audience."   I showed the section to my young daughter, who dabbles in crochet, and she got so excited!  She couldn't believe that a publication had thought about kids crocheting and she said, "This is MY section?!!"  -- isn't that great!!

     I'm looking forward to flipping through the pages some more, but thought, if you are a subscriber, or would like to become one, then you might want to know where I get my subscription from.  I get it through magazinevalues -- through this link I only pay $6.97 for my year subscription, and I help my Crochet group raise funds that permit us to travel the tri-state area, teaching and promoting crochet while helping our local community.

     In the meantime, I'd like to thank all of you who are sending me email well-wishes.  That means so much to me!  I promise to personally respond to each and every one just as soon as I can.  J

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