Friday, October 15, 2004

Finally we can get some satisfaction!

Yesterday, while teaching crochet to a beginner, I was advised that one of the mother's in my daughter's class was shocked.   As the story goes, she was doing lunch duty, and as the children prepared for recess, her son went to his desk and before her eyes, he pulled out a crochet hook and a ball of yarn.

When she inquired about what he was doing he said, "I'm crocheting, Mom.   We're all gathering under the tree to practice our stitches."

Crocheting, Knitting, any art form really, is great for both genders.   It helps with dexterity, eye & hand coordination, concentration, increases math skills, and helps with stress.   And best of all, it also helps with esteem ... especially when they discover they can do it!

Well, apparently this mother hasn't heard that many men crochet ... so I rattled off a few ... James Buchanan, Rosey Greer, George Washington Carver ... and now we can add Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones to our list of fiberholics.  No, he's not crocheting ... but according to an article in USA Today, he's been introduced to knitting during a recent fashion show that stated, "The crochet and knitting trend has fashionist as carrying yarn and needles in their expensive totes."

Well, alright!  Finally we can get some satisfaction!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's about time is all I have to say :)