Did you watch Saturday Night Live last night? While I could have done without all the plugs to Capital One (the credit card company that's harrassing me to death to open an account with them) David Spade was the host and he played the roll of Martha Stewart -- poncho and all. (He made one ugly looking "Martha," IMHO! LOL) The best part is that the script writers got it right when they referenced the poncho saying it was CROCHETED, not knitted. In the week since Martha's been out, many stories have been written about this now famous poncho but for some reason the word KNIT keeps getting thrown in there. HINT: If you work for a newspaper, let your fact-finders know that
A. The word KNITTING has 2 "T's" in it. This is because it's a fabric making technique requiring TWO sticks.
B. The word CROCHETING has 1 "T" in it. This is because it's a fabric making technique requiring ONE stick (with a notch at the end).
And, in case you haven't heard, there are "knock off" patterns available on the Internet now ... from Lion Brand, Interweave Press, and geesh, someone else I think. The important thing about this is that you can watch your CBS news tomorrow morning and see Lily Chin ... here's the details:
Watch the CBS news at 7:14 AM & 8:01 AM for "teasers," then interview sometime between 8:30-9 AM.
This is national broadcast network & live! (I'm not sure how it works for other time zones, but I'm referencing Eastern Time here.)
I'll be busy getting the kiddies off to school, so I'll have to cross my fingers and hope I program the VCR correctly.
The Pattern Links:
Bernat: http://www.bernat.com/freepattern_poncho.php
Interweave: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/03/14/earlyshow/living/beauty/main679892.shtml
(pattern from Interweave is complete w/the name of the woman who started the craze in the first place!!)
Lion Brand: http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/chs-scallopEdgePoncho.html
1 comment:
I got the e-mail from Lion Brand about their pattern, but not the other two... off to check them out!
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