Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Time for Fashion

Are you ready for this You know, the pesky time change thing again.  We go through this every six months, and I can't stand it.  I think we should just leave the time alone.  Apparently though, my alarm clock knows that the state of Connecticut has not chosen to "opt out" (did you know there was such an option available?), and has been preparing me.  For some unknown reason the clock appears to have set itself ahead by an hour and has been training me -- all week, mind you -- for this change.  (I say that the clock changed its own time because my husband and kids say they didn't do it, and I know I didn't, because lets face it: who wants to get up an hour earlier if they don't need to??  Yeah, my thoughts exactly.)

So with the time change comes time to look at our spring and summer fashions.  This article, Fashionable Crochet Styling - Essence of Style does just that and discusses the popularity of crochet hats ... floppy ones for this season, which is something we were discussing briefly in yesterday's crochet class.  (Lion Brand has a free pattern on their website:

But the article also discusses on how you can add crochet to you existing wardrobe ... such as adding crocheted pockets to a "plain white dress, skirt, or tee."  ... which reminds me of a tee I worked on with my daughter last summer.

While I admit I am not a sewer, I went to a local craft store and purchased a few crochet doilies (yeah, I know I could have crocheted them myself, but purchasing them sure saved me a lot of time for this project.)  I then took a tee and cut off the sleeves and then cut off about a third of the tee from the bottom.  I then cut up the doilies and pined them onto the tee and stitched it all together.  Each new sleeve was created with half a doily -- this gave, in my daughter's opinion an "angel wing effect."  For the bottom of the tee, crochet scallops all the way around.  I even cut a "window" into the back of the tee and stitched in a piece left over from the doilies.  Then came the fun part.  We tie-dyed the tee.  What resulted was a one-of-a-kind tee that she insisted on wearing right through the winter (she wore a turtle neck underneath)

You can do the same.  Just think of the fun!

And look at this!  Just moments after posting my entry here about crochet being "in" for the season, another news article pops up in my email stating the same thing ... thank you Denelle of Montana!! ... here it is: Five Looks for Spring; Clothes We Love 

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