Yesterday I received an IM (instant message) from Rose. She read my entry on Copyrights and wanted to know why it's OK to make copies of patterns found in library books. What a great question, Rose!
The answer I provided to her is that books at the library change the rules ever-so-slightly. The books are publicly owned and are there for all to enjoy. Think to a child doing a research paper. They'll head off to the library and research their topic. Then they'll make copies of the material that's relevant to their project -- not copy the entire book. Then, as they write their paper, they'll reference to the material they copied, not write it word for word (because then that would be plagiarizing)Think of it as when we use books, magazines, newspapers, videos, DVD's and such from our local libraries as a means to take the material out for a test drive. If we like it, then we're more apt to go out and purchase it for our own personal use.
Main Entry: [1]copy·right
Pronunciation: -"rIt
Function: noun
Date: 1735
: the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, and sell the matter and form (as of a literary, musical, or artistic work)
Dictionary term by Merriam-Webster
* Reminder: I AM NOT AN EXPERT on COPYRIGHT, nor do I play one on TV. Please visit the websites offered in Saturdays entry.
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