About five years ago or so my daughter received a "Barbie Knit Kit" from Santa. She showed interest in it for all of an hour and then went on to "bigger & better" toys more suited for her then age. I packed the knit kit up and placed it into the children's closet vowing to take it back out again when she was at an age where she would appreciate it more. Did I mention they're addicted to making socks? Oh, yes, I see, I did. All-righty then. Continuing on with the story, I took it out of the closet about a month or two ago and since that time momentum in using it has been building & building until we've reached the sock frenzy we're at now. (In fact, you can see one of the socks she "knitted" while at a recent club meeting -- Margaret, who is such a dear, was helping repair one of the socks while it was still on my daughter's foot! What a riot!)
It now appears that my son is also addicted to making socks too -- and can do so in mere minutes! Perhaps this could be a new Olympic sport, no?
This is because they're teaming up on the little machine. One threads the yarn through, the other begins slowly cranking, and then cranks faster and faster and faster until the magic words are yelled across the house, "Mom, do you know where the scissors are?!" Ah yes; it appears another sock has been born. They're really having a blast with it, and at one point yesterday they had me crocheting a cuff onto one of the socks they intended to give their Nana. Ah, but Nana has bigger feet than the children, so back to the Barbie Knit Kit they returned.
I searched the Internet to see if there's any Barbie Knit Kits still available. I only found a few blog entries of others sharing their stories with this little gem of a toy knitter. So I popped on over to Joanns and found they have something similar. They're calling it a Singer Knitting Machine -- looks like the same concept, and they happen to have it currently on sale! I'm thinking of ordering one for my son. In the event you want one and are spending more than $30, they're offering free priority shipping.
PS: If you do opt to get one, make sure you're well stocked with various yarns -- you'll be amazed how quickly you'll go through it.
PSs: Yes, the newspaper story above is fictitious -- the children liked that I created one about them because of how fast they were flying through not only their stash, but mine too! I challenge you to come up with your own fiber story & post it on your blogs -- be sure to send me a link to check it out! You can make your newspaper story here.
Thanks for the visit to my blog. That knitter tool looks cool, I will have to look into that for my kids. I loved the newspaper story.
I tried that link on the singer knitting machine.. and it didn't work.. :( I guess the journal was no longer available or something.. Anyway.. I love reading your entries.. I always wished I knew how to crochet or knit for that matter.. but no one ever taught me.. I tried to buy a book and some yarn thinking I'd learn no prob but soon discovered it's not as easy as it looks! :) Anyway.. Love the baby bonnet in that recent picture.. you knitted .. Mel
Thank you myheartsayso2! I sent you a private email but wanted to let my readers also know that the broken link has now been fixed.
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