Sunday, May 30, 2004

Memorial (Fiber) Day Weekend

Yesterday my family and I drove to attend the Massachusetts Sheep & Wool Fair.  Last year when we attended it was a cold and damp day.  This meant that the attendance was low and we had the vendors pretty much to ourselves.

This year, the weather was a perfect spring day ... and there were many people enjoying the event. 

One of the vendors at the Fair was offering camel rides ... these camels had two humps and riders sit in the valley of the two humps.  My husband took each of our children on a ride.  My son didn't care for it (the camel got a bit spooked and the ride was not smooth), while my daughter loved it (the camel was more calm at this time).  For my husband & children, it was their first time ever being on such an animal; my husband said he enjoyed the ride and thought " was fun to watch the camel's trainer keep the animal under control." 

We discovered that my husband left our cash at home (was this a ploy to keep my fiber hunting to a minimum?  LOL), so I was limited with what treasures I could come home with.  I opted to collect business cards of vendors whose fibers I was interested in.  In the interm, my family met another nice family and they learned about the sheep horns ... about when they break off (as was the case for one of the poor sheep at the Fair) that the the horns grow back -- perhaps not in the same shape, as nature will have it regrow in the direction & shape needed to rebalance  the weight on the head.  As we learned yesterday, the horns will end up weighing within an ounce of each other.  The kids were fascinated. 

The family told us we should visit the Tregelly's Fiber Farm (which turns out to be the owner of the camels they had rode!) ... they said the farm offers a fantastic view of the area, has a petting zoo, and more.  We wrote it on our map and will put it on our list of future places to check out.  We were also invited to visit their farm.  (I'll edit this entry & insert their farm name here later)

In the Judged entries there were a few that were crocheted -- a very pretty striped purse,and a pretty purple sweater with various crochet stitches.  Both done in hand-dyed, hand spun yarn.  Stunning really!

We didn't stay long at the Fair as we had a long drive ahead of us.  Today, we're in New Hampshire -- attending an event that has people living as they did in the early 1700's.  But first, perhaps a little detour to Patternworks....

BTW: If you're interested in attending the Massachusetts Sheep & Wool Fair, it's still going on today and well worth the drive!

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