I've long heard there was a new yarn shop in Ridgefield, but Route 7, having been under construction since the dawn of the dinosaurs (or at least since the invention of the automobile), usually is enough to deter me from venturing in that direction.
As we were listening to the show last night Nancy O talked about how she got turned on to crochet with Doris Chan's All Shawl pattern -- and that she had already crocheted five of them! It was then I decided I would venture south, deal with the notorious Route 7 construction mayhem, and visit her shop. After all, I am on a button hunt, and Nancy O said she had a nice selection.
This morning, with Dee Jr. as my assistant (and practicing his photography), we did it! We visited Nancy's shop. Upon entering we were warmly greeted by MaryAnn -- one of the warmest receptions I've ever received walking into a yarn shop! She marveled over my project, asked about crochet, and began assisting me in looking at buttons. There was not one of those "Oh, so do you knit?/Don't you want to learn how to knit?" questions -- if I could paint little red hearts around her name for this blog entry to show how much I appreciated NOT hearing that, I would! (That's MaryAnn and I looking at the buttons on the right.)
Soon Nancy O arrived. We got to talking about Doris' All Shawl, crochet, the Getting Loopy Show, and my project -- which she called "Chanel Worthy" ... ((OK, I'm totally flattered now, no one has ever said that about my crochet before)). I picked out one style of buttons and purchased 8. While I'm not sure if these buttons will be THE buttons for this project, I am sure I will be visiting Nancy O's shop in the near future -- possibly sooner once the construction on Route 7 is completed. While the yarn selection is not large, the warmth, and acceptance as a crocheter is huge!
PS: Nancy O also gave me a "signet" -- I picked out a dragonfly, and then she gave me a tape measurer too in honor of it being my first visit to her shop. You just can't beat that kind of hospitality. Don't know what a "signet" is? Then you need to listen to Mary Beth's Getting Loopy Show! :)
PSS: Mini~Dee was not available for this adventure as she is participating in a NASA program this week.