Day Four of the National CGOA Conference is always a sad one for me -- it's the day of sobering up -- not because of all the partying, well, maybe for some it is -- but more so because as you make your way through the hotel lobby on your way to class you see many of your fiber friends preparing to leave. For them the Conference is over. They'll be heading back to home -- homes as far away as Alaska to Texas, from Finland to Australia. It is the last time you'll see each other until perhaps the next Conference, and that, my readers is always hard to accept.
Me? I'd personally like to see the Conference extended by a day just so we can space the events out a bit more and have more time to visit with each other before returning to our regular lives. So, yes, saying goodbye is always tough. {{snif whimper whaa}} I'm thinking that perhaps the "after party" should be expanded, yes?
But, once you get yourself together and finally make it to your first class of the day, it is then that you realize that the class you're taking should have been the first class they offered during the Conference! Classes, IMHO, on the last day of the Conference should be "fluff" classes, or at least some sort of lecture, perhaps on the History of Crochet, so attendees can sit and pass notes to each other about keeping in touch after the Conference. (Shouldn't we have some sort of yearbook to sign?? Or at least have Barbara Streisand singing "Memories" in the hotel lobby? They DO have a piano there ... )
Instead, there I was sitting in Darla Fanton's "Crochet Illusions" class -- and it was tough -- not because of the material (oh, who am I kidding, yes the material was tough!) but also because we (and when I say we I really mean me) were drained. The late nights and the emotional lobby goodbyes rob you of so much energy! Eventually though, I was able to grasp the concept -- thankfully because I had memories of Haley, a crochet student of mine, whispering over & over in my head. I was recalling when I taught her techniques that were a little challenging that she would exclaim, "Yea, it's a 'Reward Row!'" each time we came to an easy section of the task. Now, I used her "Reward Row" concept, and I did just fine!
[[Thanks for the motivation Haley!! lol]] Of course Darla was a wonderful teacher, often times checking in on me, "How are we doing, Dee?" And we would chuckle together when I'd reply, "I think it's an Illusion that I'm awake, Darla, but I'm getting it!" :)
I nearly finished my class sample, but rather than use mine, I decided to photograph Darla's samples. How could I refuse when they modeled so nicely? {{VBG}} One thing I do want to point out, directly from Darla, is that her Crochet Illusions technique is NOT the same one that appears in the (now defunct) Crochet Fantasy magazine (you might be able to find an issue on ebay; Winter 2005)
For more information about Darla, can visit her website at
After class I headed to the Vendors Market. I used this time as an opportunity to have some books autographed, chat with some more attendees before they left, and to take one last look for any "must haves" before it closed. I was delighted that I was able to locate Doris and give her a bottle of the wine -- after all, it was all her idea to bring it! -- and you know what a fan of hers I am! heh heh heh
After lunch with the family, it was back to stalking, er, attending another of Darla's classes. This time it was "Tunisian Crochet Goes Tubular." Thankfully I'd been practicing "casting on"
using Margaret's method so I was immediately able to grasp Darla's version. (Her cast on technique is to help reduce the famed "Tunisian Curl" we all experience!) About midway through the class I was fading fast; I knew I wouldn't last until 5:00 PM and then endure the long ride home! Once I grasped the tubular concept I checked in on Rose, (you know, the one I said fell because she tripped over her yarn & crochet hook) and decided to say my final goodbyes. By 4:30 PM, I was fast asleep with sweet Conference Dreams while Mr. Dee began safely driving us back home to Connecticut.
So, is this the end of the Conference series? No! Tune in tomorrow for more details! :D