Tonight I will start the next class sample. I so love being on target!
Then, to add more of that Beach Boys "Good Vibrations" type of feeling, I taught a private lesson today to a really fun lady. While I was there another lady approached me and said, "Why, aren't you Dee?"
I looked up and answered, "Yes."
She shook my hand and said, "My name is Lisa. I recognized you from your picture on the Ravelry.com site!"
I soooo felt like a Rock Star at that very moment! LOL
She's a knitter, I'm a crocheter. We left it as a possibility to meet for coffee some day. Isn't it interesting how it takes the World Wide Web to meet someone from your own neck of the woods? :)
What a gorgeous sample! Tell us more about the fiber.
This looks like it's for the "Knit your crochet" class. I didn't sign up for that, ... wonder if there are still openings. I don't have to allow time to drive home from the conference, right. We can "telport" home, camper and all.
Hi Jane,
Thank you for the compliment on my class sample ... the yarn I used is "Universal Yarn Twister Space" ... and you're right. It's for the "Crochet Your Knit" class. :)
Is that knitted or another one of your grand illusions?
That is too cool about being recognized, no matter how she learned about you! Did you sign autographs?
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