It took me hours yesterday, but I did it; I had sewn the tulle ballerina skirt and then stuffed it with little roses. I then slipped the little skirt onto Cana Pickles and, I swear, her smile seemed to get bigger. I think that means she likes it.
This morning I'm addressing her need for appropriate earrings. I decided I didn't like the one's I initially made for her. So I visited the website Sheila had mentioned in a past journal entry on dainty earrings and tried creating one with wire. I only made one earring and didn't like it; it doesn't "stand out" enough. I guess I'll get out my thread a bit later on and will work one up and see how it looks on her. Really now, catering to Fashion Diva's ... LOL

If the rain passes through today I hope to take both of the Pickles out -- if not to join me for some fun on my swing, then at least for a ride -- I want to see where I can take their pictures around town before I ship them off. Of course I know you're all clamoring to see them, so I'll see what I can do.
In the meantime, here's a great news article on kids & crochet: Dude, Where's my yarn?
1 comment: and this picture of Mr Pickles on the swing. I love it! Sheila (not-so-patiently waiting for the other pics!)
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