After giving this much thought, I decided to offer a free raffle drawing -- all for a good cause!
Here's the rules:
1. Drawing will run from now until the end of the month (6/30/05 Midnight Eastern Time).
2. To be included in the drawing you must leave a message at this journal entry here with a working email; or email me stating you'd like to be included.
3. All the names will be collected and one name will be drawn. The winner will receive a pair of crocheted earrings, similar to Miss Pickles' earrings as pictured here. The bead work will be pink, as that's the chosen color for Cancer Awareness. (I reserve the right for artistic flair & changes.) I will then send a cash donation to the American Cancer Society in the winner's name, or (in memory of) another name that the winner provides.
4. The winner agrees to allow me to contact them to tell them they won. Winner will then provide me with mailing instructions. (I don't know if there's any laws for this since no money is exchanging hands except for a donation to the American Cancer Society. So until someone can tell me for certain that I'm breaking a law, lets leave this drawing open to any place in the world!)
The value of the earring prize is priceless ... it's in memory of my Sister-in-law. (No, the wires are not real gold.) No cash/monies will be going to the winner. Donation amount to be made to the American Cancer Society is at my discretion.
So, it's that simple. Leave a message, or email me. Spread the word -- this is a good thing :)
This is a really neat idea, I lost my Dad to cancer 2 1/2 years ago...........Stormie
Great idea! My dad passed away 2 years ago from the chemo. Some things you just never get over.
Please enter me! In memory of Jesse Wayne Brown - my uncle, who passed from colon cancer in October 1991.
Thank you, Dee!
count me in! I will be linking this to all of my journals. Such a sweet and kind idea!
Many people in my life have had cancer and I am ALWAYS up for breast cancer awareness. You are such a great person!
What a wonderful idea Dee. Count me in please, and I'm passing your link on to a few friends.
In memory of my Mom who died of breast cancer at the young age of 32.
My husband is 50 and was told he has Chronic Leukemia in 2003, He is going to have to have more chemo. This is a great idea so cou me in.
Dear Dee: Please enter me into the drawing. My mother died of Non-Hodgkins disease in year 2000.
Thank you.
Thabks for doing this, Dee! What a great inspiration! Please enter me in memory of my most beloved uncle who died JUNE 2001 of cancer; then 1 year later I had cervical and uternine cancer.
What a wonderful idea....my father died of cancer 10 years ago.
This is a wonderful thing that you are doing Dee. Great idea. I have had several family members and friends die because of cancer.
forgot to leave my email addy...
Dee this is a wonderful thing your doing. Please enter me in honor of my friend Judy C who is going through chemo for bone and stomach cancer and is a previous breast cancer survivor.
Teresa B
Dee: You are a kind and generous lady to do this thing. Please add me to your list in memory of "my adopted mom" Margaret Brown who died of bowel cancer and osteoporosis November 2004. thanks Essie from Australia
email: alpajem@yahoo.com
What a wonderful way to remember a loved one and spread awareness. Please add me to your list. Summersgirl@verizon.net
Hi Dee,
Great idea. I've lost many family members to cancer: grandmother, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law. I also have a sister and sister-in-law who have successfully fought it off, due in part to people like you who have supported research into treatment and cures. Thanks for keeping us cancer aware.
Dear Dee, This is a very loving thing you are doing. I lost my dear uncle to cancer 2-1/2 yrs ago, and my dad 41 years ago. Barbara (jonsmom122396@yahoo.com)
This is such a wonderful thing you are doing. I lost my mom to cancer at age 14 and I don't have to tell you how much it means for someone to do this. Please enter me in your drawing.
I think this is a great thing you are doing. What nice way to remeber those we have lost. I lost my Mom 39 days after she was diagnosed with Cancer, 2 1/2 years ago. Linda
This is so wonderful what you are doing here!
I lost my father, Nov 15 1956, when I was 12 to cancer.
this is a _great_ thing you are doing. I lost my mom to breast cancer almost 10 years ago and it is certainly a worthwhile charity.
How precious! Enter me and I will also make a donation in memory of my Granny Elizabeth who died of cancer 23 years ago.
Dee, I love this idea! Please include me in your drawing. Suzanne in El Paso (soon to be Macon, GA). crochetbum@gmail.com.
Dee, I agree with the others that is a wonderful idea. Please include me in your drawing. email is baby_liz00@iwon.com
What a great idea, I lost my mother to breast cancer 12 years ago. Include my in your drawing. piglet99@earthlink.net Holly
As a breast cancer survivor, 10 yrs this yr, I applaud your efforts and thank you for this opportunity. I love the earrings.
Happy Hooking,
Ruthanne Taylor, Lincoln City, OR
Oh how wonderful... In the name if my Grandma Nellie Olson.... thank you!
In memory of my wonderful aunt, Fran Welch, who lost her battle.
Dee, This is a wonderfully compassionate thing you are doing. I would like to honor my Dad who is a survivor of numerous skin cancers as a result of his service during WWII at Nagasaki bay shortly after the bombing. Hugs,
Sandra Botts (ladyjaneboyce@gmail.com)
This is such a wonderful idea. Please add me to the drawing, in honor of all of my family members who are surviving cancer.
Thank you for your inspiring enthusiasm! Your positive words make me want to be a better person. Thanks for the much needed dose of hope. Julie (MissJulie3579@aol.com)
This ia a wonderful thing you are doing! There are so many that have lost this battle! Thank you for having such a generous heart!
Thank you for your support of such a wonderful cause. I wish there were more people out there like you. Candy queenofcrochet@gmail.com
thank you so much for such a loving gesture. My sister passed away July 6, 1999 of breast cancer and was buried on my birthday. Hence everything that is done for breast cancer awareness brings my support two fold. Thank you. Hugs, Wendy bearangel2445@aol.com
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