At my children's school, one of the parents walked up to me and began inspecting the poncho closely. She pet it and played with the fringes while she said, "Wow, this is so pretty!" A few moments passed and she asked, "Was it hard to do?" I said, "Thank You," and continued, "I'm teaching this workshop starting on Friday ... join us and see for yourself." She smiled. From the corner of my eye I could see other Mother's looking my way. Were they looking at my Poncho, or at the children going inside the building? I waved good-bye to my kids, and went to the local Mall to process a bill payment. ~,~,~,~,~,~ While I was walking around Sears checking out their latest inventory and compiling ideas for gifts for my son's upcoming birthday, I noted that they had some Ponchos on display (yeah, I wandered over into the Women's department -- you know, a little sightseeing for myself? LOL) On one rack they had a huge sign "Knitted Ponchos with Crochet Trim." Try as I might, I could not find ANY crochet on any of those Ponchos. They were entirely knit. Arg!! So I walked around some more, and perhaps it was my imagination, but women were doing "double takes" ... you know, where they look you over, go back to what they were doing, process what they just saw and HAD to look again? ... Yeah, like I said, it could have been my imagination, but it appeared that this was happening. I was getting the "once over" and then that second look ... it happened throughout the store. I was sure I didn't have broccoli in my teeth, and I was sure my zipper was up. I know I didn't have my pajamas on, so it wasn't a dream. Were they checking me out because of my poncho? I found a cashier that needed some company (I don't like lines) and she asked me where I got my Poncho. "I made it," I replied. "I've never seen anything so beautiful," she said. "Is it crocheted," she asked. "Thank you," I answered, "yes, it is crocheted." "Was it hard to do," she inquired, "I'm a knitter." "No," I replied, "Crochet is not hard to do. It just takes a bit of practice, just like anything else that we learn for the first time." "Your Poncho is beautiful. I should see about learning how to crochet," she exclaimed. I smiled, and told her about the locations that I'm currently teaching at. She seemed quite excited when I left the store and returned back to the school to do my volunteer lunch duty. ~,~,~,~,~,~ I pressed the buzzer to request entrance into the school. No answer. So I waited a few moments as I know how busy the office can be at times. The secretary walked by the main doors and saw me standing there. She let me in and said, "My now, don't you look all dressed up today!" I smiled. "Thank you," I said. "I bet you made that, didn't you?" She asked. "Yes," I replied, "I did." "Incredible," she replied, "It's really beautiful." And off she went back to the office. I waited in the lobby for entrance into the kitchen. Two of the other helpers arrived and commented on my Poncho. They liked it too. ~,~,~,~,~,~ Later, I stood outside and waited for the final school bell to ring. As the children started exiting the school, another mother approached me. She reached for the Poncho and remarked how much she liked it. "Oh, what would something like this cost," she asked. "It depends upon the fibers that you choose to use," I replied. "These fibers are all (except for one) high end." "Oh, so you're not going to tell me?" she asked. "No," I replied and chuckled. "Then I'd have to admit it to my husband, and if he knew, I'd never be allowed out of the house with it." (wink, wink) And then, I noticed with my peripheral vision, I saw many heads turned my way ... looking my way. It had to be the poncho! Later, I told my husband about my experiences when I wore my poncho out in public. He said, "It is truly beautiful," and started to sing, "Pretty Woman." Then he said I should wear it at next year's CGOA National Conference. You got to love when your loved ones support you!! J Note: The image of my poncho looks blue/purple ... in reality, it's black.
Some of the yarns used were: Trendsetter Yarns "Glamour"
City Lights
Debby Bliss "Cotton Silk Aran"
ooo Dee it is truely beautiful! I would have done double takes myself. I know that made you feel great especially with what your husband said :)
Great job!
beautiful Dee! Wow! It does look purple though, not black.
I was at gymnastics the other day watching my daughter and the lady next to
me was crocheting.....she was making a poncho too! She told me she'd find out that day if her daughter was staying in this class or moving up......if she stays she'll be there every week and told me to buy a crochet needle and yarn and she'd teach me every week during our kids lesson......I thought of you and your journal and the coincidence of it all!
Well, it IS beautiful! I really love that ponchos and shawls are coming back into style. I just hope they don't go OUT of style before I get a chance to make one! Ha, ha! Take care, Sheila
Dee, your poncho is truely awsome. Did you make up your pattern? i would love to do one!
I love this poncho, too! And I like it in the blue. My niece has asked me to make her a poncho and I've e-mailed her several pictures to choose from, however, I suspect she'll prefer this one once she sees it. As I live in Edmonton Alberta, it's not likely I'll be able to attend your workshop, so may I purchase the pattern?
Dee, your work is beautiful...I sort of "stumbled upon" your site tonight...I, too, made a poncho for myslef (though a much simpler type) and wore it to pick my sons up from school...and that's how I started earning extra holiday money!!! So many moms wanted them for their daughters and neices, that I've been crocheting my little hands off since October...my last two are scheduled to be finished by the end of this week and then I'm on "vacation" until the end of the winter as I anticipate many Spring orders...My husband, too, appreciates the work I do...we're both lucky to have men who know the difference between knit and crochet!!! Enjoy your holidays!
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