Just as I was stirring my coffee, I heard a huge crack followed by a big bang! Now my electonic devices with "power out alerts" are beeping like crazy. It will be many, many hours until we have power restored.

Poor Josie! That's the tail light to her car!

And poor Joe! That's his beloved PT Cruiser!
...and as long as things are going to be a little "nutty" around here until power is restored, I decided to get in touch with my "inner squirrel" and find out my squirrel name:
Dee from this day forward you will also be known as:
Doctor Crazy Whiskers
You can find out your squirrel name too. Just visit www.cheekysquirrel.net/squirrelname/index.php
How bad were the winds? My gosh, I'm in the Tampa area and didn't have that much damage. Hope the cars weren't totalled...oh, boy you never know...Sandi
What a beautiful tree, too bad the winds had to bring it down! Sorry to hear about your basement and other mishaps that Ivan caused to your and to your neighborhood, and throughout the eastern half of the country. Our prayers from the west coast are with everyone. Janet
oh wow sorry to see that! I'm glad that all of you are okay though.
lol here is my squirrel name.... Deputy Nutkins
Just wanted to give a shout out to a fellow Nutmeg Stater in the Greater Danbury Area!! I had the pleasure of driving down Rt 53 to get to I95 in the early morning - which is a challenge to begin with, but then add a foot of water, and well ...
Hi Dee,
Sorry to see all that damage. I can sympathize with your neighbor on the damage to his beloved PT Cruiser. I just got one this year after wanting one since they came out, and I would really be upset if that happened to mine too. Were both cars repairable or not? Glad to hear you got your power back so soon also.
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