Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Sleepy with a Gold Star

Ugh. I'm as sleepy as a a hibernating bear right now. One more day. Just one more day that I have to endure listening to the annoying buzzer of the alarm clock. Then, there will be ten blissful days of sleeping in. For now, I'll cling to my hot cup of coffee and await it's magic powers of transforming me into fully waking up.

I was at the Mall last night with my children. I know! I know! What about that journal entry stating that said I don't shop in December. Good point! Well, I normally don't. But I got a call from my dear husband who's been working 80 hour weeks, begging for help with his holiday shopping. So off we went.

I don't shop at Old Navy. I'm not exactly sure why I don't ... maybe it's the commercials, or the gray flooring. Whatever the reason, I don't normally go in and check out what they have. But last night they did something that lured me right in. Can you guess? LOL -- yes! They stuck a tantalizing crocheted item within my side peripheral vision! (Shame on them! Preying on my crochet radar! tisk tisk tisk -- lol)

Wasn't it just a few days ago that I said "Flowers will be blooming?" Well, this poncho (see image on the right) is what did it. The kids and I went in and checked it out. The flowers reminded me instantly of those seen in Irish Lace ... and I couldn't believe that, with the amount of work that went into it, that they could sell it for $24.50. It was obviously imported. Here, it would cost at least that much for the cotton to crochet it.  It was pretty though.  (No, I didn't buy it. It wasn't on hubby's list.)

I do want to say that it was a great feeling donating 4 sets of hats, mittens & scarves to the Harmony House yesterday. I included two giant (foam) puzzles and two bead kits. I know it will help at least some of those that under the House's protective wing this holiday season.  I do want to send a BIG THANK YOU to Chris for knitting up the hats!

I also want to thank my hubby for the GOLD Star ... he said that with all the crocheting for charity I did this year, along with donating the time at my children's school, that it was well deserved.  Thanks Sweetie!

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