Caught, once again, with yarn snuggly tucked in the crook of my steering wheel, while awaiting for my children to end their school day. Only this time, my crochet hook was in motion. And it felt good.
Real good. I was caught crocheting a baby afghan that will be donated...
During those moments of waiting & crocheting I let my thoughts drift back to October of
1989 (or was that in '88?
*Edited to confirm it was on October 4, 1988 when Connecticut experienced a fluke blizzard, weighing down trees with canopies of autumn colored leaves) when I had traveled to Florida to spend time with my southern family members. Actually, in the time of B.C. (Before Children) I used to travel a lot. But on this particular trip, upon my return home I had discovered I had missed one of Connecticut's worst early snow storms in it's history.

Earlier this evening, as Mr. Dee and I were going over future plans to take our children to Florida to visit with the southern relatives for the first time, I looked out the window and discovered it is snowing. Some say this is an omen, that our luck is turning; let's hope so. Others are asking if I plan on meeting up with other crocheters, and/or teaching a workshop or two... For now, it is too early to tell. But wouldn't that be cool if I did?
I'm headed back to my crocheting, to my hot chocolate, and discussions of Florida. Warm thoughts for sure as it is too early for snow...
Oh, Oh, Oh, Where in FL?? I live down here! ;p And, a chance to attend a class by you? Oh Yeah! LOL!
I was reading your tweets and saw something about a TRIP TO FLA! and knew I had missed a blog entry.
Please let us know where you will be, and if teaching any classes.
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