Monday, October 1, 2007

Tapestry Crochet

Yesterday afternoon we took a ride back up to Massachusetts to attend the Eastern States Exposition on it's last day -- and to also pick up Mini~Dee's and my crochet entries we submitted for this three-week-long fair.crochet in the Grange building at The Big E

While we were awaiting for the pick-up time we enjoyed strolling around, doing a little shopping, a little riding, a little a lot of eating, and sight seeing too. 

Besides the quality time with my family, I really enjoyed being delightfully blown away with the amount of crochet my eyes feasted on throughout the day!  From babies covered with beautiful blankets someone lovingly created, to various garments adults were wearing.  In the picture to the left are some of the judged items we found in the Grange building; a lot of beautiful stitch work!

There were also many vendors selling crocheted items too, and one style really caught my eye:  Tapestry Crochet!  tapestry crochet at The Big EThe signs indicated that the intricate hats they were selling for a mere $8.00 a piece were from Peru -- I found them beautiful but did not find any in my color comfort zone.  This means I'll need to add a tapestry project to my WIM (works in mind) list once I'm given the green light to return to crocheting.  (I'm sooo hoping that will be next week!!!)

For those interested, Tapestry Crochet is the technique of crocheting with a variety of different colors to make patterns in the fabric.  Rather than dropping the different colors as one would with graph-crocheting, tapestry crochet has you crocheting over the unused colors making for a much stiffer fabric. 

The most well known crochet designer for this technique is Carol Ventura who has recently started
blogging AND hosting her own Yahoo group!  which I think are just awesome resources to get inspired by!  Carol's youtube video below does a fantastic job of explaining Tapestry Crochet further:


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