This is not a commercial for one camera over another. I have separated the images to help keep ME organized. Just how many pictures between the two cameras are there? Lets just say I'm flipping through about 6 GB (gigabits!) of photos. So many, so many! (Well, maybe not that many pictures as I had my class hand-out files on one of these lil' pups of a disk, just in case! and some of the pictures are of the kids playing in the pool, attending the Fishercats game, and so on.) So, these photos I am uploading today (except one, where noted) were taken by my Mr. Dee:
1. Myra Wood's crochet class just for kids. This is the first time the CGOA had offered an exclusive crochet class just for kids -- and this was the first time my Mini~Dee attended her first official CGOA class; she reported back to me that loved it! My Dee Jr. thought about taking the class but decided not to in fear of being called a "cutie" by the girls (give it a few years, that will change for sure!); I think he's secretly wishing he had taken Myra's class! Many thanks to Myra for ensuring the kids had a great time, for inspiring the kids, and for helping decorate my home with jelly yarn; yes, she had goodie bags for all the kids, including Dee Jr! LOL I do hope that the CGOA will continue it's efforts to bring more classes to our next generation of tomorrow's crocheters!
2. The lounge. No, we're not talking about my hotel room in the "after hours." That's another post for another day. What I am referencing is the lounge that was sponsored by ... um, drat. I can't recall at the moment. But I'm sure many of the folks who attended and utilized it will remember! If so, please email me, or leave a comment here so we can properly credit the folks who provided this lovely space to us. Thanks! Edited to Add: Thank you, Doris! It was Tahki Stacy Charles who sponsored the Knit & Crochet Cafe!3. The kids practicing their runway moves, with my guidance, before the start of the Fashion Show. This is when they tried their 'attitude' walks, swirls, and twirls to show off the garments. There were actually four children modeling this year, a total of five garments -- the MOST in children models and garments ever -- at a CGOA Conference Fashion Show! If these numbers continue to grow, I'm wondering if there would be a need for a Fashion Show for Children's Wear?
I want to thank Kim Kotary, who has a new crochet sock book coming out (CGOA members, don't forget to use your CGOA member discount when ordering it from AnniesAttic!), for helping to sparkle up the girls; I know my Mini~Dee loved it! (Jean Leinhauser, if you're reading this, Mini~Dee's "disco" shoes -- the shoes she wore that had a variety of different colored lights lighting up with every step -- we got them at Kohls department store. For those who inquired at the show, Mini~Dee's "Love to Crochet" T-shirt is custom. I purchased the Tee, and found the rhinestone iron-on on eBay about a year ago or so. As promised, I searched for their website and found it here, just scroll to the bottom of the page to see it/order your own iron-on.)
Unfortunately, I do not have good pictures of the kids actually strutting their stuff during the Fashion Show (see yesterday's post on why), nor do I have any video footage of it, but I did manage to snag the camera from Mr. Dee and take this picture while there was a break later during the show (prizeswere being drawn). Missing from the photos below is Christian, but you can see him in all his cute-ness here:
Little Loopy, on the left, is wearing an adorable pair of knitted shorts designed by Mary Beth Temple. My Dee Jr. is wearing a vest he designed two years ago for a special occasion, crocheted by me. When Drew, the Crochet Dude, announced Dee Jr. was the designer, Jr. did a "right back attcha" move to Drew; attendees can attest my son is not shy on the catwalk! LOL Mini~Dee wore a pineapple peek-a-boo skirt perfect for wearing over leggings. I used a bamboo yarn, and designed the skirt by exploding a section from a doily pattern before adding my own personal touches, including using the Pushmi Pullyu join technique my students learned, and built in belt loops! (This was the secret project I mentioned prior to the Conference, and I finished crocheting it while in Lily Chin's class two days prior to the show!).
In the picture next to the group shot is Mini~Dee wearing a Doris Chan design that Nancy Smith reconfigured to fit her young daughter. (Thank you, Nancy, for sending me this picture!)
Does this mean this is the end of photos/details from the conference? I think not! Tune in tomorrow for more! :)
Dee, Tahki Stacy Charles sponsored the Knit&Crochet Cafe. You want to borrow my RayBans? :D
Hahahaha, it's not my vision that is blurry, but my memory!! :}
Thanks for the info, Doris! You rock!
Love everything! Didn't realize those were your babes! They're beautiful! I'm impressed with Dee Jr. designing the vest. That is really something for his age!
(can picture it now - he'll be on Project Runway but instead of sewing his clothes, he'll be crocheting them!)
So nice to see the crocheting kids you always talk about....the ones I'm so proud of as well! :) I need to visit their journal and see how green their thumbs are these days!
PS - I was telling my sis about how you used the FunFur around a blanket a couple/few years ago and how it did NOT do well in the wash.
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