"Crocheted lace edged the little stand-up collar. Crocheted lace spread out in a bow on Ma's breast, and the gold breast-pin held the collar and the bow. Ma's face was lovely. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were bright." ~Laura Ingalls Wilder; "On the Banks of Plum Creek"I wonder though, could the dream have been influenced by a youtube video I watched recently? I'll let you be the judge; the only difference between my dream and the video is the scary 1980s shoulder pads (those aren't coming back in fashion are they? I shudder to think so). Thankfully my dream was void of those linebacker images! LOL
Click Here to view the video ... it's by Ormo and shows how yarn is made. At the end of the video is a fashion show showing knit designs created with their yarn line. It's a cute video until, like I say, the shoulder pads make an appearance. At the very least it's interesting to see the inside of a yarn factory -- where more dreams are made. :)
*Jewelry Findings: bits & pieces (beads, gems, clasps, etc) used to create your own jewelry.
Here is a thought - what if your dream is telling YOU to design that dress??? Did you ever think of it that way?
Love this cartoon and hearing about your weird dreams!
Sheila (who will have what you're having!)
I loved the video I even loved the shoulder pads. NOT that I would wear them again. But the yarn was fantastic! Sherri Keep on dreamin"
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