During the meeting we worked on "starts." Starts are little squares, 12 stitches by four rows, that will be used in the Learn to Crochet/Learn to Knit tent. Even my children got into the act of working on the starts; it was fun to see them getting involved.
As we worked on the starts we finalized some of the event details. The first thing I can share is that the demonstration schedule is pretty much set, and happily I'll be one of the demonstration teachers again:
Do plan on coming to see me either for the demonstration or at the Guild tent (more on that as the event gets closer). The next detail I can share is the Scarf Contest!
Here's how it works:
1. You crochet up an original scarf. It will be donated to the Orphan Foundation of the America's Red Scarf Project. Note that scarves for this DO NOT need to be created in red yarn!2. Should you be the First Prize Winner, your scarf will be featured in a popular needlework publication. Should you be a Runner-Up, you will receive some prizes.
3. IMHO, everyone that enters a scarf is a winner in my eyes -- last year some 2,500 students in the program received a scarf as a part of the Red Scarf Project. Go ahead, give a scarf; give a hug. And if you can't make it to the event but still want to donate a scarf, then you can mail your scarf right to the Orphan Foundation; visit their website for details. Don't forget to blog about it! :)
The Fine Print: The contest is open to all ages. Entry forms will be provided at the Knit-Out Crochet Too! event. All entries must be an original design to win. The winners will be announced at the Knit-Out Crochet Too! event and you must be present to receive your prize. Judges decisions are final; all scarves entered become the property of the Orphan foundation and will be donated to America's Red Scarf Program. Prizes are awarded as presented and cannot be redeemed for cash. Also note that the Contest is sponsored by the Craft Yarn Council and is not affiliated with CrochetWithDee/CrochetingWithDee; I'm just a volunteer happily passing along the details.
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