I'm hoping everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving. Here, it was an event the kids claim they'll remember forever. All I'll say is that the children were running around the house while waving their arms through the thick smoke yelling, "Fire! Fire!" (Remember, I'm a crocheter, not a chef! And, in my defense, my family knows this!) Was there a fire? No, not really. Some of the juices from the turkey overflowed the pan and dripped onto the heating element in the oven which caused the thick smoke. After airing out the house all turned out just fine. Dinner was a success!!! (Whew! Talk about a time needing to pick up a hook and destress -- that was it for me!)
The fire that did happen was one that happened online. One would say if they saw me that I had flames coming from my ears. I was steaming angry! I had found another website violating my copyright -- a website taking my hard work and passing it off as their own. I have to wonder if, in a day & age of technology, they thought I wouldn't find out, or if they thought I wouldn't mind. They were wrong; I did, and I do. Like Santa, I check my list, I check it twice. I want to know who's website is being naughty or nice.
So after a slight cooling off period, I sent them an email stating the facts -- letting them know I know of the violation and gave them two reasonable options with a time limit to comply. And they did. That's a relief; I'd hate to be a Grinch and be forced to start a law suit.
Now that that fire has been extinguished, I have returned my thoughts towards preparing for the holidays, and finalizing the 60 Scarves in 60 Days Challenge. On Thanksgiving I did manage to crochet a matching hat & scarf set for the scarf drive, and Lori (one of my crochet students) donated another scarf! I love it! Keep 'em coming!.
I'm also finalizing the drive to raise funds to donate to the American Cancer Society. If you are holiday shopping and want to help raise funds to donate to the American Cancer Society while picking up an especially soft gift for that person on your "GOOD" list, then check out the designer hats below. The hats are $35 each (includes shipping w/in US). It's first come, first serve, so don't wait! Go ahead, check your list ... I'm sure there's someone on it that's been quite good this year and deserves a beautiful hat! :)
CLICK ONTO THE PICTURES TO ENLARGE: Gigi Jolie: This hat has finer (smaller) stitches than the Marlene hat shown below, but is created from the same pattern concept. Washing instructions are to hand wash and lay flat to dry; do not spin/wring. The designer fiber used is from England, is 100% nylon and incredibly soft!
Colors: Neon pink, orange, green and yellow with white whisper puffs of soft "fur."
Current Status: SOLD!!!

Gigi Jolie II: this hat was crocheted with the same finer stitches as the Gigi Jolie hat above. Washing instructions are to hand wash and lay flat to dry; do not spin/wring. The designer fiber used is from England, is 100% nylon and superbly soft!
Colors: Neon pink, orange, green and light purple with purple whisper puffs of soft "fur."
Current Status: SOLD!!!
Marlene Two: one reader wrote that this hat reminded her of the fall foliage in the New England States. In thinking about it, I couldn't agree with her more! So I created another! Since a larger hook was used the end results is a stunning hat with texture. Washing instructions are to hand wash and lay flat to dry; do not spin/wring. The designer fiber used is from Italy, is 40% nylon, 35% Merino New Wool, and 25% acrylic -- and it's extraordinarily soft!
Colors: A variety of oranges mutate throughout the work and combine with gold flecks and puffs of burnt orange/brown "fur". Stunning when sunlight dances upon it.
Current Status: SOLD!!!
Oh My! Sounds like Turkey Day at YOUR house was exciting! ;p
Hi, Dee,
Don't know if you follow college football, but I was watching the Stanford game on TV yesterday. One of their players is named "Crochet" (I am not making this up!). It made me smile every time the TV camera showed a shot with his name on the back of his jersey. Laura
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