Monday, November 7, 2005

Be Careful With What You Order ...

The food yesterday was just divine -- I had everything from stuffed shells, roast beef, fruit, sausage, eggs, homefries ... oh! the list just goes on & on!  Three and a half hours we enjoyed each other's company at the Avon Old Farms Inn -- and what a gloriously good time we had!!

In attendance was Melanie Gill (she's the one that coordinated the
Lacis Freeform Exhibit this past summer and requested I submit my Irish Clones Lace piece seen on the right; you want to see pictures of the whole exhibit?  Click onto the Lacis link above & enjoy!); Susie who's visiting from OZ; and my good friend Grace (who's known for kidnapping me and whisking me away to various fiber havens -- only this time I kidnapped her!  Wha ha hah hah ha! ).

In the second image you can see Susie is having quite a good time with my "Dunkin Donuts" inspired hat that's still on the hook ... it all goes back to seeing the most beautiful dreadlocks during a stop for coffee ... ah! but that's another story for another day, you'll have to wait for that one ... still though, Susie had fun modeling my WIP!!  ((chuckles))

In the third image is Mel -- look at that beautiful purse!  It's freeform crochet in a variety of colors that range from eggplant to purple ... yum!

Susie loves all colors and has no trouble "at'tall" in mixing the lot up -- she did so -- beautifully! -- with the shoulder wrap seen in image 4, and again in the larger version in image 5.  Image 6 is a close up of her work from Image 5 -- look at the colors, the beadwork ... how was it possible that I didn't come home with it????  One thing is for certain, I'll never look at Kilts quite the same way, and I have a deeper appreciation for color! (or is that the other way around??) Thank you Susie!!!

After our elongated brunch we headed to Mel's house.  Mel is amazing when it comes to various crochet/fiber arts books -- from her fantastic collection I got to leaf through the many she has on the topic of  "Irish Crochet."  Absolutely incredible!   ... hey Mel, when I grow up I want to be just like you!!  YOU ARE AMAZING!

So, in a nutshell, that was yesterday's fiber adventure.  It was just a most fantastic time, and I know those that will be hooking up in NYC tomorrow (from the FF group) will have an amazing time too!    :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To update your "60 scarves in 60 days" project.
I originally posted I had 4. I have finished 2 more scarves, so that makes my total contribution (as of right now) 6 scarves. As I said in my original post, they will go to my church for their homeless shelter.

Robin Andersen