Monday, November 22, 2004

Yikes! I had almost forgotten! I'm not prepared!

Yesterday, my best friend reminded me of what comes after Thanksgiving.  And no, it's not Christmas, well, not necessarily Christmas.  How's that?  <<grins>>

It's "Holiday Cards!"

Yikes!  I had almost forgotten!  I'm not prepared!  Last year I had taken a picture of our road on a snowy day and then using my PC, I made beautiful cards.  The funny part is, only one neighbor recognized that it was our road! 

I've been making our Holiday cards for close friends & family for a few years and enjoy doing it.  One year I had little snowmen on the cover of the cards and had glued on little crocheted scarves I had made.  They were a hit!

Another year, Margaret Hubert showed our CGOA Chapter how to use store-bought cards and add a crocheted wreath to it.  They were beautiful!

This year I plan on making the cards again, but no where near the production I had last year (over 150!).  I also plan on using store-bought cards too since I'm having trouble with my printer.  (just because they're not entirely made from scratch doesn't mean that the sentiment isn't there, because it is!)

We send the Holiday cards out to keep tradition alive; to celebrate life.  And whether they are store bought or handmade shouldn't matter.  It's the thought that counts.

How to add crochet to your Holiday Cards
First decide if the crocheted item/cards will fit all religions that you will be sending them to.  If not, consider doing two, three, or more versions that would be "politically correct" but still from the heart.

Then do a search on the Internet.  Sheila sent me a link for wreaths which would work wonderfully.  As would Snowflakes.  Or for those of the Jewish faith, how about a Star of David (use thread instead of yarn to make it smaller & lighter for attaching to a Holiday card)

Once you have your crocheted item, and it's been blocked (if needed), just glue it to the card.  Or, if it's to become an ornament, attach a hanging thread and tape it to the inside of the card.  Or, if it's to become a refrigerator magnet, glue a small magnet onto the inside of the card, and glue a magnet to the crocheted item.  BE SURE that they are glued on so that they ATTRACT to each other!  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I ran into another idea for cards you receive too!!!  Cut a shape from the card.  Punch holes around it.  SC around the card (so that the stitches frame the picture).  Chain a hanger and there you have a nice ornament!  Cards can also be doubled for strength, but be sure the holes line up before you start crocheting.  Let me know if you want the actual link to this, Dee.  I thought it was a nice way to recycle cards and also, if anyone is like me, they have a stash of cards they keep for sentimental reasons - one side can be the pic of the card and the other side can be a cutout from the signature of the sender.  GOSH I LOVE CROCHETING!!!!  Sheila