At 8:15 this morning I stood in line with many other sleepy crocheters and knitters to pick up our packets and goodie bags -- I've yet to peek inside to see what treasures are inside.
At 8:30 I was in the banquet room, and Drew, the Crochet Dude, started the informative day. There were even door prizes -- and yes, I won one! (details on that later)
Rita Weiss and Jean Leinhauser held the floor and discussed various aspects of the publishing world. They are so funny! For those new to the crochet world, visit your local Michaels Arts & Crafts, Joanns, or other craft/yarn shop and look at the books. You'll see that their names are on many, many book covers!!At lunch Amy Shelton, co-owner of Crochetville was our guest speaker. She did a really great job.
The second session of Professional Day was what they call the "Break Out Session." There were three in all. The Break Out Session is where there are a host of professionals you could choose from, each one with a different topic.
I chose to sit with Edie Echman, Robyn Chachula, and with Mary Beth Temple. My head is just swimming with very useful information -- thank goodness for the handouts!!!
Professional Development Day is great for those interested in taking their crochet passion to the next level -- going professional. You get to meet so many people in the industry! ... and the most interesting thing here is that the only organization offering such a day is the CrochetGuild of America. For more information, visit their website at
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