I am experiencing some technical difficulties this morning with my blog -- the Day Two blog entry was much, much longer, complete with pictures. I will edit this space later with more information. For now, I've got to get ready to teach my first --ever-- class here at the Conference! :)
OK, where did I leave off? Ah, yes, Mary Beth had helped me with the Crochetville sound byte ...
Soon afterwards I met my family in the hotel lobby -- they were soaked! While I was having fun in class and in the lobby, my husband and kids went to see a local baseball game. They got to watch seven innings before the rain came -- and boy! did it ever! The hotel had to move guests to different rooms because it was coming through windows, even leaking through the bottom floor where the corridor is that leads to the Vendors Market (they had huge towels rolled up to absorb the water coming in from out side). There were even funnel clouds and tornadoes reported.

I missed the majority of the meeting where they announced the winners of the Design Contest, but I did make it to the opening of the Vendors Market where Mary Beth did a live Getting Loopy show from the CGOA's booth. ((I was her first guest!)) There are lots of yummy items to buy, which is where I bummed into Kim Guzman -- she had that glow about her, you know, the one where you just purchased the world's yummiest yarn ...
There was another "after hours" gathering in my hotel room ...
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