While I cuddle up with my box of tissues and glasses of orange juice, go ahead and cheer me up by sharing with me what you're all working on. Are you crocheting holiday gifts? Something to donate to your favorite charity? Or perhaps something for yourself to wear to a special holiday party?
Do share. And I'll be back when I'm feeling better.
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Hope you are on the mend soon! Lots of juice and chicken soup and REST!! I'm sure your little nurses are helping a lot!
As for my projects, I am all over the place as usual! <heehee> I am working on charity projects for Kids in Crisis for the Stamford Chaingang CGOA chapter. Mostly scarves and 2 treasure bags. I am working on a baby blanket for a friend who just had baby #3 - a daughter to go with her 2 sons so something pink is definitely in order but alas that means a trip to the yarn store - SIGH!! :) Then there is a design roaming around in my head for some yarn I forgot about and found when moving my stash around to make room for hiding the kiddie's presents! AND lastly I am working on a dress for Princess who refuses to wear pants now that the weather has turned colder and dresses are really too cold to wear!
Now trying to squeeze all that in around Thanksgiving and Hanukkah (which is really early this year) is going to be a challenge but I hear sleep is really overrated! Hope you enjoyed my entry as much as I enjoy yours! Feel better soon! Haley
Oh, I feel your pain, I've been sick since last Friday, but there is just too much to do this time of year to slow down.
As for projects, I am frantically trying to finish a Carnival Shawl by Rowan for my Mom for Christmas. I have only 12 more motifs to go and I have been assembling as I go... the only uncertainty is that the pattern calls for fringe and I'm just not a fringe kind of girl. I need to search my Crochet Bible and see if I can find an edging that fits the theme of the shawl. I am also crocheting dish cloths for stocking stuffers, a baby blanket (actually just edging a receiving blanket) for a new niece to arrive in January, and last but not least (hopefully) I will start & finish a new stocking for my dad which looks like a farm tractor!
I think I am now fully addicted to Crocheting, your blog can count as therapy/support group, right? Instead of 12 steps, we will have 12 stitches....
Take care and Happy Turkey Day! -- Cathy
Oh no, all the activity caught up with you. I agree with Haley, sleep is overrated and will stay last on the list of priorities. Have lots of little projects in the works: A cool swaeter for my five year old busy guy (I miscalculated the modular pattern and then turned a disaster into a winner; my teacher caught me to be a good frogger), charity project for teens in crisis (from our Chain Gang Group in Stamford) and some new baby items for friends. I'm sorry I missed Doris and loved the pictures, details. Now, WHERE IS THIS YARN STORE FOR SALE???? Come on Dee, give it up....... Happy Thanksgiving, sniffles. Love, Lori
So sorry you're under the weather, Dee! Get better soon.
What I'm working on - Victory scarf for Knit Your Bit, squares for the San Diego fire victims, a cashmere scarf for ... me. LOL I have never worked with cashmere and it's loverly. My daughter is on the opposite end of the spectrum. She has just started learning to crochet with WIRE. I am currently searching for books on the topic so if you have a favorite, please do jot it down in your blog for us when you're feeling better. She's already done some ornaments and bracelets and is learning as she goes. *proud mom*
Hope everyone enjoys the holidays and doesn't get too stressed!
Sorry you're sick. I'm struggling a bit myself recovering from my weekend in Orlando.
Right now I'm working on my cabled sweater (I need to finish the second sleeve and then sew it together). I have 2 more afghans to make for holiday gifts and a hook holder for my boyfriend. Other than that, I've got lots of new yarn I want to play with. :)
Oh, and still working on the project for publication.
I am currently working on a tree skirt for my sons. They moved out in May of this year & it's their first Christmas in their new home, so I thought they could use a tree skirt. After that, I got a potholder to finish up and a poncho for a little girl. Than I'm thinking about stockings - I didn't say I was going to make them;) just thinking....
Hi Dee,
Hope by now you are feeling better and having Turkey with your family. I am working still on squares for the San Diego Fire victims. I have 20 more to send which brings my count up to 80 for them. Once I reach 100 I will go back to working on newborn items for the Lil Troopers group that I belong to.
Take care of yourself.
Dee, Hope you're feeling better. Also hope you were better in time for some turkey!
I was working on 7 x 9 blocks to be used by our Shawl Ministry for decorating a community groups Christmas tree, and then joined with others to make Warm Up America blankets. I made 16 from Sunday to Wednesday, using the CGOA Stitch of the Week and resource books to practice new stitch patterns. I'm now working on some premmie hats to be donated to a local charity. Next project up will be a baby gift for a cousin, I'm itching to work up the idea in my brain - it's Tunisian.
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