Prior to being ill during the week of Thanksgiving, I was tagged by both Vashti and Tracie for the first-ever CGOA Meme. Here are the rules for participating:
1. Begin by including a link to the person who tagged you.
2. Answer the question: Are you crocheting something that you would not be crocheting if you were not a CGOA Member?
Or more broadly this question: "How has your experience of crochet been changed by your CGOA membership?" Give a single one-line answer.
3. For extra credit, end by linking to 3 (or 5, for extra credit) other bloggers among whom you'd like to see squirm publicly with this challenging, yet strangely satisfying essay question.
OK, I've linked to Vashti & Tracie. Now on to answering the question: am I crocheting something that I would not be crocheting if I were not a CGOA Member -- OR -- how has my experience of crochet been changed by my CGOA membership?
Oh, single line answers. Eish. No can do; I need to be able to make more sentences!! That's like asking a crocheter to only make one stitch! Oh, the torture! :)
The first question is easy to answer with one sentence: Presently I am not crocheting anything -- I've been without a hook in my hand for a week due to illness. (Well, OK, two sentences!) With thanks to Lyn, the CGOA Membership Board Moderator, I'll be presenting The Special Stitch of the Week NEXT week; this will be my second time participating in this volunteer program.

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As for the second question, I'll try to keep it brief: I have been a CGOA member since 2001. I found them through surfing the Internet for something crochet related and found their logo on someone's website and decided to click onto it. To this day I do not recall the website that hosted the logo, but I am forever grateful. Being a member of the CGOA has opened doors of friendships, experiences, and techniques for me. I feel like I am a member of a wonderful fiber community, that like a great wine, only gets better with each passing year!
I could go on & on about my membership, but rather than do that, I think my blog entries here -- from reporting about the various Conferences, my Chapter, to getting into the Mentorship program & so on -- are all testiments as to how much I've personally grown since being a member. One need only go back into the archives here to read about all the juicy details. :)
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If you are not a CGOA member yet, what is stopping you? If you are a CGOA member, have you considered giving a CGOA Membership to a crochet buddy? They make great year-long gifts!!
You can visit the CGOA by clicking here:
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Jane, Margaret, Nancy, Priscilla, and Sherri please consider yourselves tagged!
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