Thursday, November 8, 2007

Digging for Relics ... Do Dinosaur Patterns Really Exist?

Just when you think your child's passion about a given subject has moved on to newer interests, they surprise you.  It was just a few weeks ago I had, at least I thought I had, an indepth conversation with my son about his interests, taking mental notes for holiday gift ideas.

Cars? Yes! Still loves collecting them.

Yankees? Yes! But they need to get their act together; apparently being a fan of the highest paid losing team is very embarrassing.

Patriots?  Yes! (By the way Mom, where did you put my Patriots hat you crocheted me last year?)

Dinosaurs?  No.  They're relics from "my youth" (this coming from an 8 year old)

OK, then!  Cars, Yankees and Patriots.  Got it.

Then comes last Friday.  He is excited.  Jumping up & down.  Wants "High Fives."  Is grinning from ear to ear, and is that a swager in his walk???

It seems he tried out for the Paleo-Knowledge Bowl through his school-- and scored well.  In his words, really well.  What does this mean?  Dinosaurs are back in!  (The event will take place at the Peabody Museum.)

At the library he stacks books as high as the head of a Stegosaurus -- about 3 feet high.  He wants to "bone" up on his dinosaur knowledge to help his team score as well as they can.  He hopes they make it to the Masters level.  I tell him he can only check out what he can physically carry.  I forgot; my boy is remarkably strong; now there seems to be more dinosaur books here than my personal crochet books!  Yes, dinosaurs are trying to take over my crochet world --- noooooooo!  {{giggles}}

I'm thinking, as I watch him study, that he needs a little good luck charm -- perhaps a little dinosaur keychain I could quickly crochet up?  I search the Internet -- I found this awesome head, but it's too big.  I also found that there is a DVD available (see YouTube video above) for needle felting a dragon -- but I wonder, can a dragon be classified as  a dinosaur?

Thus far in my search I have not been lucky in finding dimensional dinosaur crochet patterns.  If you know of one featured on the Internet, or in a book, please share the whereabouts information with me.  I have about a week to surprise him -- and if time permits, to also create one for each of his team members too...

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