Saturday, July 22, 2006

CGOA Conference: Fashion Show Part II

On Wednesday I mentioned the CGOA Fashion Show and promised more pictures.  I'm delighted to say that I got the pictures my husband took developed and can now share them!  For the most part, these pictures are of garments (with the exception of Pauline's "Peacock Cape") are the first time I'm seeing them too!  If you know who the models/garments were, I'd be happy to add the credits. 

In the last picture of this series you can see my daughter modeling -- it's the only image we have of her showing off the outfit I worked on so feverishly during/in between/after each class.  The beautiful glass buttons that I purchased at the Vendors Market on Opening Night were sewn on just moments prior to arriving the banquet/fashion show! 
Also in that picture are the winning bidders of the Bravo! bra I embellished.  Do you know who the winning bidders are?  Would you like a hint?  Yes?  Then click onto the brassier to find out.  I also want to note that I had the pleasure of meeting them right after the banquet; what wonderful people they are!  (Also, if anyone knows who won the purple one that my crochet group ( submitted, I'd love to know so I can thank them on behalf of the group.)  I'm guessing over $1000 was raised that night!

If you're interested in seeing more images from the Fashion Show, then you'll also want to visit these other fantastic blogs:
Jane's Hooked on Crochet
    * Yarn Over Pull Through (she has multiple entries w/images including a photo album)

So there are two things left to discuss about the Conference:
       A.  The most complimented attendee -- perhaps tomorrow's blog topic, eh?
and  B.   When the CGOA will post it's pictures from the Fashion Show.  (I understand they're working on it!)

But what about other specifics?  Like how many attended, where will it be next year -- and when!  I believe the actual number will be revealed in an upcoming "Chain Link" newsletter -- as for the next location & time, I don't know.  Usually this information is revealed right after the Fashion Show but it wasn't this year.  We'll have to hang tight for awhile until they're ready to announce it. 

And what do I have in mind for that outfit my daughter modeled?  A magazine editor expressed interest in it; I'm also hoping to submit it into an upcoming competition.  That is, if I can get it away from my daughter long enough!  LOL

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