This past weekend I've had time to ogle over the latest issue of Bead & Button, and of course I'm very pleased that once again they've included a beautiful crochet project -- in fact, it's pictured right on the front cover, and of course, I want to make it! (If you're interested in the magazine, click onto the image & it will lead you to magazinevalues -- it's where I get most of my subscriptions at a fraction of the regular rates)
Then, I received an Instant Message yesterday from Rose. She said at one point in our conversation, "I put all my WIPs in one container and I'm resolved to complete them."
I replied, "...and they all fit in one container????!" Oh, I was so amazed!
Nope, it's not fair that there's just not enough hours in the day to do each and every project that I dream up, run across, or am inspired by. (lol) In all fairness though, I have been working on finishing up many of the WIPs I have (WIPs, by the way are "Works in Progress") and I find this is a great feeling.
But, I'm still curious though on how is it possible that she got all her WIPs to fit in one container? I look at my WIPs and wonder if such a container exists that they all can fit in...
Then there's more unfairness ... give the journal, "Have you any Wool?" (link is to the left) a visit and you'll find that she's put images up of her work room. Oh man! (excuse my excessive drooling) -- she has a room to work in! I've only had dreams of such a room, and now Rose, the lady I mentioned earlier, tells me that she too, may have such a room now that her daughter is off to college -- and my own mother tells me she too, now has such a room! OK, where is this bandwagon?? I want to jump on! <<grins>>
Ladies & gents, I raise my hook and salute those of you that have few WIPs and a room of which to work upon them. For now, I'll get back to work in my WIPs and dream of such a work space. J
An entire room dedicated to one's favorite craft? Heaven on earth!
Thanks for linking my blog to yours. I do have a room for my stuff but it's wayyyyy too small. But I'm very lucky that my husband lets me spill out all over the house, as long as I keep it relatively neat. He's a very good guy. Holly....Have you any wool?
Dee... I have no idea what a WIP is but I think the Army is looking for them in Iraq so you might want to be careful where you put them. Congratulations on all the features, how cool is that! And before you ask, nope, I don't crochet. I know how to, but I'm all thumbs, which is somewhat of a disability when it comes to needle work. Dorn
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