Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Blog Entry by Mini~Dee

Dear Readers,
My Mom isn't feeling well today so I get to write in her blog today. We have a 90 minute school delay today because of the snow. We were hoping to have the whole day off because we're in the middle of building a snow fort. We made a snowman too. He has a huge icicle for a nose.

 I have long hair and am really glad my Mom has crocheted me a bunch of different hats to help keep me warm. The ones I like best (similar to the one pictured here that she made for my
school fundraiser) have holes in them were I can push my ponytails through. I don't like having my ponytails flattened against my head, so this works out great! Thanks Mom! She said once she is feeling better she will teach me how to crochet in circles so I can create my own hats. Maybe I'll make one that will have two ponytail holes! 

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dee Now Teaching in Westport, CT

Upon hearing that Knit Together in Stamford was closing, Knitting Central, located in Westport, Connecticut, contacted me requesting I consider teaching crochet classes at their beautiful store, stating "your combination of skill, knowledge and enthusiasm for the craft are renowned in this area (and beyond!). "  

So, a few weeks ago I visited the shop, met the friendly staff, and KC's very nice owner, Cynthia.  While we are still working out an official crochet class roster for classes for beginners & beyond, I am delighted to announce that it's official!  I will be teaching crochet at Knitting Central.

Quoting Pink from her 2001 hit, "Let's get this party started!" 

Starting this Thursday, March 1st, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM the popular Stitch'n Chat class will begin.  This is a relaxing social class where participants can discuss what is on their hook while getting help with their projects from me. To register, visit the shop or give them a call; the cost is $25 for the two-hour session.  This class will then be offered every Thursday!   

Lori, one of my long-time students, just emailed me and stated: "I can't wait to see all the faces of people who will come to love and respect you as much as we do."
Thank you, Lori!!  I'm really looking forward to this new adventure  :)

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

"Yes I'm back in black"

Have you ever tried to photograph dark items?  A camera lens has a very difficult time picking up the details the human eye can. 

Have you ever crocheted with a dark fiber and screamed that the stitches are impossible to see?

Did you try it with a matching (in color) hook?  yeah. Ouch for the eyes is right!

Fortunately I have a lot of practice with crocheting with my eyes closed (lets just say I like to rest my eyes while crocheting various stitches now & then and that when I do it totally freaks my kids out because they say I'm crocheting in my sleep) ... {{grins}}

OTT-LITE® TrueColor(TM) 18W Ellenton Floor Lamp w/Bonus Bulb

For the photo featured today, I cheated -- I used my scanner and "brightened" the image by over 100% -- at least now, through the picture, stitches can be seen.  In "real life" the human eye can not only see the stitches, but also the variations in the fibers I decided to use.

Crocheting with dark colors is not impossible!  One just needs a lot of patience, a good light behind them (I love using Ott lights), something light in color (like a sheet, a towel, or a piece of paper) to place on the lap so light is reflected up, and, oh, perhaps one of those new lighted Clover crochet hooks that will be coming on the market soon ... I saw them advertised over at Lacis.com earlier today ... placing my order for one will have to wait.  For now, I still have about 2 feet worth of stitches to go in order to finish the scarf. I'm using another Graydog hook (sold on ebay) in a combination of Wendy's "Velvet Touch" (and is it ever!!), mixed with S. Charles' "Cancun," Mondial's now sadly discontinued "Marlene," and Lion Brand's "Incredible" ribbon. Even with it's hard-to-see coloring, it's been a real pleasure to design & work this project up -- another gift for Auntie.  :)
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Friday, February 23, 2007

What to pack, what to pack???!

When you go away for a few days one must seriously consider what to pack -- and this means to foresee any and all possibilities for items that would be needed for all occasions be it casual or black tie.  You grab the largest luggage you own, lay it upon your bed and then start filling it with the top choices from hundreds, possibly thousands, of selections.

I'll need cotton, red perhaps, for when crocheting in the hotel room.  A beautiful ribbon for crocheting during waiting periods in the hotel lobby.  Whispy white angora while awaiting for appetizers to be served.  Of course the crochet hooks would need to be matched to the occasion as well, saving the jeweled beauties for those times when bling-bling would be the most appreciated and admired.

And so that is how it was when I packed for a few days away as part of my Birthday Week Extravaganza!  (Did you miss me?)  I think I packed at least half of my yarn stash -- had we gone on a three-hour tour on the SS Minow with the Skipper and his fearless crew, I'm sure I would have had enough yarn to crochet an SOS flag large enough to be seen from Space!  heh heh heh

Thankfully the *Dee crew* understands my yarn obsession and didn't mind schlepping all this yarn with us -- even if it was just to go across the state line!

I have lots of details to share, but for now I have unpacking to do and more stitches to get in.  And with three days left of the Birthday Week Extravaganza, I'm guessing I should set aside some time to repack at least one bag with various fibers and hooks, you know -- just in case we decide to head out again for some more partying!

I think everyone should get a week, like me, to celebrate their birthday!  :)

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Monday, February 19, 2007

The Mad Hatter

While I'm on the topic of Danbury (see yesterday's post), I'd like to add that the city of Danbury was known as the World Capital of Hat Manufacturing. "The Hat City," started as an industry in the 1700s and ended it's reign in the 1960s (reportedly due to President Kennedy being our first "hatless" President). Credit is given to resident Zadoc Benedict, who discovered a technique of using pressure and moisture to turn fur into pelt.

When hat production increased from three hats a day to five million a year, industry changed the way the hats were created ... possibly even including the creation of President Abe Lincoln's well known hat!  When mercury nitrate was added to seperate the fur from the felt to increase production, long time workers who were exposed to the mercury were poisoned causing hair loss, speech & thinking difficulties, and nervous disorders such as trembling hands. The workers suffering from the mercury poisioning were referred to as "Mad Hatters." It was in the 1930s that a study was done proving that mercury was the root of the problem. To learn more about Danbury history, and the hat industry, visit these webpages: Danbury Historical Society and Mad Hatter Mercury Mystery

As for my own "Mad Hatting" experience, I just finished this hat -- it will be a gift for Auntie who requested it. I decided to trim the hat with bullion stitches (also known as the "rice" stitch and "crochet on the roll") ... 111 of them with 9 to 10 wraps each. Getting them all the same; maddening. Liking the end results; priceless.

For those tracking my wooden hooks, this one pictured with the hat is a size "F," hand turned by Graydog. It was a gift from my husband, custom made (back when Graydog still took private orders) just for me. It consists of my birthstone and his. Graydogs are available on ebay. I found it worked fantastic with the bullion stitches due to it's long tapered body. If you'd like to learn how to do this stitch, visit annies attic and view their free video clip for "Crochet on the Roll". :)

By the way, can you name the President who was a crocheter, and the one who was a knitter? The answers can be found in my archives. Happy Presidents Day!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Gems in Classics

Time does fly!  It was just about six weeks ago when I discovered Rose Wilder Lane, daughter to Laura Ingalls Wilder, was once a local resident in Danbury, Connecticut.  See Best Kept Local Secret? 

All the books, The Women's Day Book of American Needlework, published in 1963, that I ordered through  ebay and amazon have finally arrived.  I took one copy, the one I had intended to donate to a local library, to our local CGOA Chapter meeting to show our members.  As one of the members flipped through the book she exclaimed, "Look, Dee, this one came with a handwritten note from 1966!"

As she read the note, we were all touched by the sentiment: it was a letter from a daughter to a mother discussing their love of the fiber arts and how this book will hopefully inspire the mother to "...transform all those bits of thread, yarn and cloth into a work of art." 

While scanning the letter to share with you all today, I decided to leaf through the pages again to see if there were any more notes.  Sure enough, I found another: it was tucked deep between the pages of 150 & 151 -- a clear reference to a beautiful crocheted (thread) bedspread pictured on page 151 that (the book states) resides in the Henry Ford Museum in Michigan.  The author of the letter wrote:

"My friend makes a couple of bedspreads every year.  She even crochets while waiting to pick me up in the morning.  Sometimes she complains because I'm so prompt."

I've decided to keep this book, and it's notes, for myself (unless the author of the letter & note would like to reclaim them).  I find the bond between this mother and daughter, and their shared love of the fiber arts, too touching to give up and this is something I'd like to pass down to my daughter one day.  I'll donate another of the Amercian Needlework copies I have; of course I'll be checking them all to see if there are any more gems tucked between the pages.  :)Tags: , , , , ,

Saturday, February 17, 2007

When Cannibalism is a Good Thing

I've long admired straps on purses at various retail stores; running my fingers along the details; wondering where I could obtain similar straps for the bags I want create using traditional crochet stitches, felting or freeform techniques.  I'd visit various yarn/craft shops and look at the straps/handles they had to offer, and often times think I found one that would fit the bill.  Some of which I purchased and added to my stash, waiting for that perfect project.

I often wondered what other creative options I had; what else could I use?  I was in an Annie Sez store a few months back, checking out all the new arrivals that featured crochet when I rounded one corner and found a huge display of belts.  Beautiful belts.  Belts of leather, belts of metal, belts of rhinestones.  Had I hit the motherload of creative options?  I wasn't seeing the belts as "belts" ... I was seeing them, after a few "cannibalistic" thoughts, as straps for the bags I had in mind to create!

I didn't buy any belts that day, but the creative juices were flowing.  From that day on I made it a point to visit the "belt" section of every store I shopped at.  Then it happened: I visited Kohls yesterday, and due to their end of season clearance, I feasted.  I feasted on leather, on metal too.  Finally I'm going to have the straps I've long desired for my bags.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"The Feeling"

Our first storm of 2007 has arrived.  Its being called a "Noreaster," offering up lots of freezing rain, sleet and snow.  Right now I think it's more like hail -- you can hear it pelting against the house.  The snow, about a foot of it, is scheduled for later this afternoon.  That's where I'll be later, outside -- playing in it -- along side my children.  Of course, we'll also enjoy plenty of delicious hot chocolate!  :) 

For now I'm enjoying the day off with my children.  Along with working on Auntie's birthday surprise, I have the two new books scheduled for further purusing today:  Lily Chin's "Couture Crochet Workshop: Mastering Fit, Fashion, and Finesse," and Amy Swenson's, "not your mama's crochet."  I'm looking forward to it.

So for our fiber-addicted minds, I'd like to share a video I found in the AOL community.  It's by the group, The Feeling, and the title of the song is "Sewn."  It's a music video featuring yarn taking over ... I think that's something we all have dark nightmares about, right? LOL  (Of course I'd love to know how they shoot videos like that where it appears that the yarn has a life of it's own.)  The tune is quite catchy.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Question From Reader: Wooden Crochet Hooks?

Dear Dee, I've noticed that you are including wooden crochet hooks in your pictures.  Some of them have jewels. Are these the actual hooks you use everyday?  They're gorgeous!  Where are hooks like that sold?  Do they hold up well?

I'm delighted you noticed!  Usually I exclude the hook when I take pictures of my crochet work, but lately I've decided to add the actual hook I used -- not just because they're pretty, but because I want to have a reference in case I decide to duplicate the work at a later date. 

To answer your question, I do use wooden crochet hooks nearly all of the time.  The exceptions would be:

  • When I'm working with wire (wire is brutal on hooks, so use a metal one that you don't love!)
  • When I'm working with wet fiber (hemp works up so much easier when dampened)
  • When I'm working with thread (I'm still adding to my collection the wooden handle with steel hook inserts type)
  • When I'm working with plastic fibers (the thought of plastic rubbing on my hook - yeck!)
  • When I'm working large Tunisian projects (hint to my hubby: I could really use some Tunisian hooks made of wood...)
  • Unlike metal hooks, wooden hooks do not rob you of your natural body heat, rather they hold the warmth.  I also like my hooks without thumb rests.  This is so I can twist and jut the hook with my fingers resulting in less motion of the wrist, allowing me to crochet in comfort for greater lenghts of time.  Someday I'll video my hook holding technique, but not today.  Today, rather, I'll share a video I made last summer.

    I shot the video below when I was waiting for my children to get out of school one afternoon.  I sitting behind the wheel quietly crocheting when the urge to at least try videoing with my camera hit me.  So with the camera strap held by my teeth, I shot this video of myself crocheting very, very slowly.  I was working on a bag that would later be felted (it's since been felted but is now waiting for the final touches such as adding the strap, silk lining, and clasp.)  Considering how I was holding the camera, I think I did a pretty good job at keeping the camera still.  {{grins}}

    So where do I get my wooden hooks from?  I was surprised with one by www.Brainsbarn.com; I bought a few from www.lacis.com, and I bid on a lot from ebay!   I'll try to remember to note who hand-turned the hooks pictured in future posts.  A warning though: collecting hooks is VERY addictive!  :)

    ... oh, and do the hooks hold up well?  I've had several for 6-7 years, and they have thousands upon thousands of miles worth of fiber rubbings on them -- they're just as beautiful to look at and work with today as the day I first added them to my collection. 

    Monday, February 12, 2007

    A Cameo Appearance?

    I'd like to send out some thank yous today.  First to Sherri for her "CrochetWithDee" eagle eye (man is she quick!) as she is the one who discovered I have a "cameo appearance" in the new book, "not your mama's crochet" by Amy Swenson. 

    I had no idea Amy had included me in her new book, and so today I stopped at my local book store and purchased a copy.  On page 190 Amy wrote:

    "Crochet with Dee. Dee has been crocheting and teaching crochet long enough to answer your questions before you get a chance to ask them. Her site is a treasure of crochet information, from patterns to instructions on obscure techniques."

    Wow; I am totally flattered to have this cameo!  And in flipping through the pages of her new book -- I love it!  From the patterns offered, to the little helpful notes for variations, for the articles such as "When projects go bad," and the permission for "spontaneity" (page 59) ... it's great!  We have a major snow storm rolling in on Valentine's Day -- I'll be here, sipping on hot chocolate, enjoying reading this new book. ((Thanks Amy!!)) 

    Congratulations Amy; and for everyone else, if you'd like to learn more about Amy, give her blog, Indigirl.com, a visit.  You'll be glad you did.  :)
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    Sunday, February 11, 2007

    Re-igniting Crochet Passion?

    It has been, quite indeed, a sad time here in Connecticut with two great yarn shops deciding to close it's doors forever.  With this in mind, I decided yesterday to kidnap my Aunt and take her to the Wool Connection.

    We arrived late in meeting up with Lori, one of my students from the Stamford area -- turns out we were lost across the street!  (Did I ever mention I was born a platinum blond??  That's the explanation I'm going with here.)  Moving on, we eventually found the shop and while my daughter sought out specialty yarns for me, I showed my Aunt a large variety of fibers -- from cottons to wool and in every color of the rainbow.  I was delighted, given the bareness of many shelves, that they still had a nice selection to pick from.

    Auntie asked a lot of questions, as it seems she's ready to pick up the hook again herself.  "I usually do this," she said pointing to a rectangle granny square on display.  She admitted that she is interested in crocheting preemie hats.  "If you can do that," I replied referencing to the granny square, "then you'll be able to crochet hats in no time!"  She was happy to hear that.

    She loved meeting Lori too.  Lori couldn't stay long, (I did mention we were late, ah, yes I did, but I didnt' mention how late!  We were about an hour late, and I did mention the platinum blond birth, so we'll continue to leave the explanation there.  I will add to this two things: 1. Thank You Lori for not giving up on hooking up; and 2. thank goodness for cell phones!!), but the brief conversation they had was endearing.  I think it helped re-ignite my Aunt's crochet flame.  {{very big grins}}

    I left with some great yarn treasures and beautiful buttons.  As we piled back into my vehicle I inquired, "Auntie, do you have an AC Moore around here?"  She being from the neighboring town exclaimed, "Do we ever!"  And with a twinkle in her eye, and a huge smile, we were happily roaring down the road to our next stop of fiber heaven!  Amazingly we didn't get lost that time, and yes, this means I did load up on that beautiful Caron Simply Soft "Shadows" I've been in love with for the past few weeks.

    We had a fabulous time together -- and sometime in the future I'll be visiting with my Auntie again.  She wants me to teach her and her friends how to crochet preemie hats.  I can't wait!  :D

    Saturday, February 10, 2007

    Call me Crazy ~ I'm now "Cookin' With Crisco!"

    At the end of January I wrote about the difficulties I had in selecting the right fiber for a project for my Aunt's 80th birthday; the entry was called Call me Crazy and I really felt that way at the time because I couldn't find the yarn I wanted to use.

    When I finally settled on a pretty chenille, I then had to select which crazy stitch I wanted to use, and then the proper crochet hook.

    I thought I was all set.  Only I was finding the project going slow (it's not one that is easy to tote since it is attached to 20 pounds of chenille!); and I had vowed to work at least two rows every night.  This way, by taking tiny steps, I figure it would ease the boredom (a rare feeling for me when I'm crocheting!) and put me two rows closer each night to deciding upon which border I'll eventually use.

    Oh don't get me wrong here, I am loving the results -- including the fact that I changed how the Crazy Stitch is done:

    *The crazy stitch is worked with a series of 3 chains, 3 double crochets and a slip stitch to the next ch-3 space.  I decided to make the stitch "pop" a bit (giving a bit of texture), by working it up as a series of 3 chains, 2 double crochets, and an incomplete double crochet that is then attached to the next ch-3 space during the last yarn over, totally eliminating the need for the slip stitch (thus giving that "pop" effect).
    My problem was that the project was just working up too slowly; when you're used to quick results, that is something that can drive one crazy, or worse, cause the abandonment of the project altogether.  I had those thoughts in my mind -- you know, abandoning it. That is, until last night. 

    Last night I finally reached the width of the project; 21 hours worth of stitching that started in one corner!  I was happily able to crank out eight rows worth of stitches last night and now have 8" towards my 6' of height.  As the time passed, I kept taking a moment to lookat it's growth and touch the softness.  I still have a lot of time, stitches really, to go, but I'm glad I didn't abandon this project.  I think, in the long end, I'll be glad I stuck it through.  :)

    Thursday, February 8, 2007

    Twisted Observations, Part II

    I really enjoy attending our monthly sessions of "Coffee, Crochet & Chat" held at our local Borders bookstore in Brookfield, CT.
    I arrived a few minutes late to find Ruth and Priscilla happily crocheting.  Ruth was putting finishing touches on a baby sweater, and Priscilla was working on a baby blanket.  After a much needed bone-thawing hot chocolate I was ready to crochet too.
    I worked on a scarf that is about half-way done; it will be donated come next winter.  This scarf I've been playing with a Lily Chin technique discussed in her new book, Couture Crochet Workshop: Mastering Fit, Fashion, and Finesse, where the rules for the turning chains are thrown out the window and replaced with a much simpler solution: use one chain no matter how tall the stitches will be in the new row.  Of course this technique does take some getting used to, but once in practice, it's a dream!  This scarf I'm crocheting up in extended half-double crochets with this "one chain" rule --there's no bulk on the edges!  I love it!

    So, I showed Ruth and Priscilla this little gem and they instantly saw the benefits too!  After a few rows, and with Priscilla, my local Knitting Goddess of Information and Inspiration, beside me, I decided to pull out the knit scarf I was working on at the last "Coffee, Crochet & Chat" session.  Yep, the very same scarf I finally was able to see my twisted stitches in
    last month that I have of yet to finish.
    Priscilla is so nice.  Rather than tell me it was wrong, she called it a "design element."  I decided to work a few more rows and as I did we discussed my inability to cast on the knitter's way (Mini-Dee has tried to show me so many times!  Poor thing; I bet I'm driving her nuts in trying to figure out all these knitting rules! LOL); I proudly stated that for this scarf I had crocheted a chain first and then picked up the stitches with one of my Grandmother's needles.  "You know, Dee," Priscilla stated, "there is a much easier way to cast on -- and you use your crochet hook to crochet the loops right onto the needle!  This gives the same look from when you start to when you bind off."  (See pictures of Priscilla showing me above.)
    I was intrigued!  I asked her to show me and I was totally amazed.  "It's a trick I picked up from watching a program featuring Lily Chin," she said.  Wow.  Here we are, at a "Coffee, Crochet & Chat," sharing tips we both recently learned from Lily.  I tell you, that Lily Chin is AMAZING!!    Maybe I will grasp that cast on thingy after all.  :)

    Tuesday, February 6, 2007

    Fiber diet blown

    I was trying to be good; to use up stash before buying more, but you know how it goes, resistance is futile!

    I got a call from a friend who is vacationing. She is having fun visiting various stores when she decided to give me a call:

    "Hey, Dee!  I'm at AC Moore and they have some of that Caron Simply Soft Shadows you've been looking for!  I figured you would want some. How much do you want, and in what color?" 

    Of course I caved, and will most likely cave again when she calls from her next stop, another yarn store.  Hey, I figure you don't get diplomas like this one for holding out, right? (click onto the diploma for full size)


    Monday, February 5, 2007

    Ewephoric No More?

    Last April I attended my first Ewephoric Weekend sponsored by the Wool Connection store located in Avon, Connecticut. Outside of the Wool Connection's store. I had a blast, met up with a bunch of people who adore fiber as much as I do, and took two crochet classes.  It was like a mini-conference with all the fun. 

    I want that Ewephoric feeling/experience again!  So I have it clearly marked on my calendar to attend this year; possibly even {{gasp!}} taking a knitting class (I'm still looking for inspiration to keep my needles working on that scarf) I'm like a kid in a candy store awaiting the latest delivery of chocolate: every week checking their website, checking their blog, waiting for the class selection/date announcement. 

    So imagine that gut wrenching, jaw dropping horror feeling I got when I read an email from a fellow HHCC'er stating that she received word they're closing.  Yep. Going out of business.  Her email was followed by another pretty much stating the same thing.  I sent an email to them asking (pleading really) that they say this isn't so.  (There's no news of this posted on their website or blog yet.)  They haven't responded yet.   I'm at least keeping my crochet hooks & knitting needles crossed there will be at least one more Ewephoric Weekend to experience ...

    Note: Pictures featured today were taken while attending the Ewephoric Weekend last year.
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    Saturday, February 3, 2007

    Changing The World: An Update to Caps to the Capital

    This morning I awoke early -- excited that Connecticut has seen it's first major snow accumulation (we got about 4"), and excited that I would soon be on my way to the Save the Children World headquarters, located in Westport.  I was going to attend their event to help celebrate the next step of the Caps to the Capital and, in their words, allow them to say a great big thank you to everyone in Connecticut who participated and volunteered with this fantastic project.

    Upon entering their building this morning, the first sight to greet my eyes was the large room filled with some of the thousands upon thousands of crocheted and knitted hats, 282,000 of them!  These tiny and beautiful hats will help babies in Malawi and Bangladesh; two countries, says Save the Children, suffering a "high rate of newborn deaths in each country each year."

    In the lobby, after registering and hooking up with
    other members from the HHCC (who helped the launch of this project over three months ago), we were then welcomed to coffee and donuts supplied by Dunkin' Donuts, and to look at the scrapbooks and displays they created that helped tell the story of crocheters and knitters coming together; absolutely amazing!

    Later, with radio station 96.7thecoast mc'ing the event, we sat down to a presentation starting with Sharon, an employee at Save the Children who confessed she's not a crocheter or a knitter, but, in her own words, "...helped by licking stamps and sorting hats."  

    Next was Carolyn Miles, the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Save the Children who said within hours of the
    2005 State of the Mother's Report coming out, their phones started ringing with people wanting to get involved. So they partnered with the Warm Up America foundation and "Caps to the Capital" was soon under way. 

    Some Numbers:
    Of the 282,000 hats, 17,109 came from 1,267 Connecticut residents. (I am one of those residents who donated 75 hats.) Of the 282,000 hats, 3,120 were from the
    New York City Crochet Guild (10 of which were mine, bringing my total contribution to 85).

    We then met Congressman
    Christopher Shays and a local Brownie Troop who helped make a difference. We then met the person who started it all; a ten year old who not only sent in the first hat from Connecticut, but also for the entire campaign: Casey Lambert.  As she read the letter she wrote to the President, the lyrics to a song my own children often sing came to mind:

    The lessons are learned
    I will share with you
    and if you share them too
    the world will change
    the world will grow
    it's all because I know
    Oh I know it starts with me
    Yes I know, it starts with me
    I know it starts with me
    it starts with me
    it starts with me
    it starts with me
    We're changing the world one person at a time
    at a time
    The very first person
    is me
    Yes I know it starts with me   
    it starts with me
    it starts with me
    it starts with me!

    Later we met Gloria Roache, and her very supportive husband, who upon going to the headquarters to drop off her contribution realized they needed help sorting hats -- so for three weeks, she and her husband did just that!  Lots of hats!  The presentation ended with a standing ovation for Eileen Burke, of Save the Children, who spearheaded the entire campaign.  She did a fantastic job!!!

    Later I asked Eileen if they're still taking donations.  "At this time we're not.  We're focusing our attention right now on getting all the caps to those in need. Afterwards," she stated, "we'll figure out where to go from there. But if we do, Dee, I'll get in touch with you."

    By saving one little baby's life with a simple cap, we really are changing the world.  One person at a time.  :) 

    Thursday, February 1, 2007

    ... Becoming A Certified Crochet Instructor/Teacher ...

    I am asked quite often about being a Certified Crochet Teacher. You can become one too, either by Correspondence (via snail mail) or by attending the 3-day class (which is what I did AND I highly recommend!)

    Craft Yarn Council's Certified Instructor Program - CROCHET
    February 9-11, 2007
    Friday, 6-9 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, 10 a.m. -3 p.m.
    Fashion Institute of Technology
    Seventh Avenue at 27th St.
    New York City
    Cost: $125*
    * Discounts are available for members of the Crochet Guild of America.

    For more information or to register,
    click here.  The Craft Yarn Council of America also offers Certified Knit program too.

    I've always wondered ...

    As a child I always wondered if my toys came to life when I wasn't watching ... this cute video answers that imagination from a glove's perspective:

    I've long known that Nuns enjoy the fiber arts, but I've always wondered, do Nuns get those hording syndromes like we do?   This article from CNN says Nuns are in fact just like us ... except they're on the run from the law due to an excessive yarn bill! ... Nuns On The Run