What's the first thing you do when you start feeling better? You go shopping while wearing your pajamas!
While I'm still focused on taking it easy, I parked myself earlier today at "Camp Couch" and enjoyed a wonderful online shopping spree.
My first visit was to www.yarnofthemonth.com -- I've heard of many good reviews about this "pay as you go" monthly subscription where I'll find "4 generous samples of the newest yarns available" in my mailbox, so I took the plunge. I plan on sharing my goodies here, so stay tuned!
My next visit was to www.crochetfantasy.com to restart my subscription. Time got away from me and I forgot to renew, so I thought today was a good day to get the ball rolling again. Hmmm. This means another good thing to look for in the mail!
So while I was at it, I hopped on over to bluedolphin to renew my subscription to Piecework and to order a subscription ofSpin Off again. I really enjoy Piecework for all the various fiber arts they showcase -- including crochet!, and Spin Off will rekindle my interest in working with unspun fibers.
So as long as I was thinking about it, I then hopped on over to magazinevalues where I renewed my subscription to Bead & Button, Hooked on Crochet, and Quick & Easy Crochet. Oh, I really felt my spirits lifting! Maybe being sick isn't such a bad thing, hmmmm?
Feeling a bit giddy, I then went to Overstock.com and found today is the last day for their $1 shipping (no minimum) deal they have going on. I started perusing "new to me crochet" books and selected the "Crochet Answer Book" -- my plan is to donate it to my local Library come this March (National Crochet Month); picked out a book on Crocheted Leis, and a book on Felting. I thought about the LED belt buckle they have featured, thinking I could spell out "Dee" with it and wear it to various events I attend, but that's borderline tacky if you ask me, so I passed on it and did a search for yarn. I found some. Didn't order it, but was surprised that they offered it.
Now I'm thinking "I'm gonna need a larger mail box!" At any rate, I'm envisioning a lot of fun:
1 comment:
Dee -It was a great class today. I can't remember how to get the magazine or what the name of it was. Thanks for all your help. Madeline
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