Have you made your Resolutions for 2006 yet? I haven't.
Instead I decided to create Goals for myself. What's the difference? Hmmm, I think attitude. The word "Resolution" or "Resolve" sounds so harsh/hard/difficult. Goal sounds simple/easy/obtainable.

Instead of Resolving to lose weight, my Goal is to eat healthier. This means cutting down to one cup of coffee a day and (gasp) eating fruit. Instead of Resolving to exercise more, my goal is to spend more time outdoors. (Bee allergies/fear really puts a damper on my willingness to be outdoors so this is a major Goal to try to accomplish!)
Instead of Resolving to use up an ample amount of my yarn stash, my Goal is to crochet more items for Charity donation than I did for 2005. (I'm really pumped for this Goal!)

And, my readers, you'll be happy to know that one of my biggest Goals for 2006 is to offer a book filled entirely with my crochet designs and other little tidbits! Of course this will take a great deal of time for me to dedicate to such a project, so I may abandon my journal/blog here from time to time to accomplish this, but I'm sure you'll be understanding and supportive, yes? Oh, and I'll need pattern testers too! (Any volunteers?)
Finally, instead of Resolving to teach more classes, my Goal is to stick my neck out more and submit some National Level Class Proposals. If they're accepted it would fulfill my ultimate goal of finally traveling out of the NY, CT, MA area to pass on my crochet knowledge in person while getting to meet so many of you that I know through various online groups, visitors here at CrochetWithDee, and with the owners of blogs I love to frequent myself. Yes, that would be a great goal to achieve, don't you think?
I like that. Goals. They seem easier to achieve. J
Ill volunteer to help you out any way you need it:) You can come to Vegas to teach Ill be the first in line for your classes! Have a great New Year!
Blessings, Sherri
First, I am like you...I don't like "resolve". "Goals" seems much better and for the exact reasons you cited!
Secondly, I already have some goals in mind. I am just not committing them to a written format at the moment :).
Thirdly, I'll have to chicken out of the pattern testing but I'd be scraping change to buy the book if that's what I had to do! I would also understand your inability to blog while working on it, but I hope you don't mind an occasional, "Hi, how have you been?" in your email.
Finally, same for classes as in previous comment. :) Wow....picture it....little moldable crochet Jedi's learning from the master...er, mistress ~ Obi Wan Hooker!
Honest! I don't drink!!!! (But I do think I made my "regular" scoops a little too heaping in this pot of java)
:* Love ya, Dee! My best to you in accomplishing your goals! Sheila
I'd love to help with testing your patterns...if you don't mind me working with whatever yarn I can get here, none of your ones, you know!
Dee: I really like the idea of your writing a book. Just don't forget us beginners when writing your instructions. So often, I find that the finishing instructions in a pattern are too confusing. You have inspired me to make one of my goals this year to crochet more for charity. Laura
Hi Dee,
Happy New Year !!! It's Shelley Senker. For my Birthday my kids and grandkids gave me some of Prudence Mapstones books but i do not have them yetr== they are coming form Australlia and i guess they are on a slow boat from there. Hope Santa came and brought you some nice goodies. Looking forward to some new classes AT Knit Topgether. Look forward to seeing the schedule. Take care -- Shelley
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