Now that January is nearly over, the big question that comes to mind is, "Did you get a 2005 Crochet Calendar yet?"
If not, what are you waiting for?
There are two I'd like to recommend:
1. The members of the New York City Crochet Guild (known as the NYCCG) put a lot of time, energy, and talent into creating their 2005 Calendar. The calendar is just packed with delicious patterns! If you visit the Lion Brand website you can get it on sale (if they have any left) for about $10; or you can order them through the NYCCG website (where you can get a preview of the calendar!) I own one and just love it!

2. The Craft Yarn Council of America (known as the CYCA) has a free calendar available that you can print out month by month with the theme of "Dog Days" -- I don't know, even though I'm not a pet owner, there's just something extremely funny about seeing a dog in a crocheted bikini. Some of the patterns are crochet; some are knit. But still very much worth checking out!And speaking of days, it took me nearly the entire day yesterday to take a picture and to figure out the restructuring of ebays "sell" page. Boy was I confused! I couldn't quite get ebay to accept my html coding to get the page to look the way I wanted, nor get the new digital camera to grab the texture that the rose pictured to the left has. I guess I'll have to spend today hunting down my tripod. Oh, if you want to see the auction page I did, it's here. Once I can get a really great picture I can finish the details for the pattern. I guess I better schedule that in on my Crochet Calendar. {{grins}}
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