Mr. Dee shook his hand and thanked him for serving his country.
And the vet is right. We should remember. The freedom we enjoy today did not come free. It cost lives. Many, many lives. And it is still costing lives. Remember those who served and gave their lives so that we can enjoy the pursuit of happiness. And, when you see a vet -- not just today -- but everyday, take a moment and say "Thank You!"

Soon, my mother decided her long wait to watch the movie "Marley & Me" with her grandkids was over. We popped the movie into the DVD player and got comfortable. By the end of the movie my project was done. I handed it to my mother. "Happy Mother's Day," I exclaimed.
She smiled. "Wow! That was fast!" She ran her hands over my stitches.
"I know you know I crochet," I said, "I thought it might have more meaning if you got to watch it grow from two hanks into a bag before your very eyes -- you know, to have something NOT made in China, but more like something made in America, or in this case, something made at Grammie Gloria's ..."
She hugged her bag. "I love it!," she exclaimed.
Mr. Dee came over to examine the bag and wanted to explain to her the idea of perhaps inserting a sleeve on the inside. She playfully slapped at him to stay away from her bag. "Oh, no you don't, this is my bag!" she laughed. Then she ran out of the room with Mr. Dee giving chase.
"But Mom, wait, let me explain!" he pleaded.
"No! I don't want you stretching out my bag," she said. This went on for several minutes. Everyone was laughing.
"Look at those too," Mini~Dee said to Dee Jr. "And they call us kids!"
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