How is it possible I let my 4th Anniversary of starting this crochet blog slip by?? I missed my own anniversary by a week??? YIKES!!
This means we'll need to immediately start celebrating! So, here's the deal: you have until January 31st (2008), midnight eastern time, to leave me a comment or pop me over an email telling me about your most favorite blog entry you read here at CrochetingWithDee.com; if you can tell me WHY it's your favorite then I will add your name to the crocheted hat twice.
Then, on February 1st there will be a random drawing. The winner will receive a $20 Gift Card to spend at Joanns.com. For those participating in this celebration contest, please be sure I have a working email addy for you as the Gift Certificate will be sent to the winner via email.
There are four years worth of entries here, so read on and tell me which stands out the most as your favorite.
I love anniversaries, don't you? :)
That's my favorite one! I love hearing about how kids view what we do.
And in that vein, I'll add what my new young students said while struggling with their single crocheting, "This is hard, but it's fun. This is going to be my new hobby!" :)
Happy Blogversary!
I really liked the cranking through the stash post on April 20, 2006. I loved the fictitious story your wrote about your yarn stash. I passed on the newspapers site to my homeschool group they liked it too.
Happy Belated Anniversary!!!!
I'm sorry, Dee, I can't choose just one. I love them all! I love it when MiniDee guest blogs for you, I love it when you blog about crocheting at school (especially that entry in December where the children were trying to figure out if you were knitting, sewing, or crocheting), I love it when you journal about an outing you've been to and give us all of the juicy details. It makes us feel like we were there with you. Finally, I love it when you show us something you're making or have made as it gives me something to aspire to.
If you add my name only once to the hat, that will be plenty for me. I've always had a hard time making up my mind when it came to just ONE favorite of anything.
Take care and hugs to you!
From Sherri in Indy:
After reading through all of your posts Dee, this has to be my most
favorite. No, it doesn't have anything to do with crochet, sorry. It does
have to do with a very heartwarming story though...your nephew. I do hope
that his plan has worked out in life. It brought tears to my eyes,
especially when I read that you continued adding to his account. You are a
wonderful person for doing that!! Anyway, the entry was dated 6/18/04 "He
Looked Sad, Mommy" and the above is the reason I chose this entry.
I read your blog every chance I get. Keep up the great work and thanks for
creating this contest!!
Cat writes:
It is so hard to choose one!...All of your blog
entries are fun, exciting, and informative. I Can't
Choose One!!!! WWWAAAAHHHHH!!!!
Nancy from Indiana writes:
I want to be entered into your contest and the very favorite one I liked was the one .. Have a little Faith.. that really is a great one as all of them are.. but that one just hit me when I read about you stopping to light a candle for your friend... that was so inspiring to me.. I too have kind of been in a rut but now I am going to do just what she said there... get back into crochet... I loved that...but like I said before.. I liked all your entries but that one is my favorite of all.. thank you so much for sharing and having this contest.. I hope I am a winner.. that too will help me get moving again....lol.. hugs..
Sandyfroglegs writes:
Hi Dee--your blog that I went back to several times was-
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
What happens when two passions join forces?
I loved that you took those wonderful giraffe swirl sticks and with the help of Brian from WWW.Brainsbarn.com transformed them into Extraordinary-one of-a-kind Crochet Hooks that no one else will have.
Anyone who crochets will absolutely love them!
That blog entry is inspirational in opening up a different way to view items and visualize them as objects to compliment ones personality!
Thank you for the lesson in personal art through that blog entry!
JB writes:
hi particularly like winter wonderland as i have one similiar on my pages
LOL it's beautiful here in new england during the winter.
daily blog
Margaret of Denver writes:
I found several interesting blog entries, and finally settled on this one:
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Knitting With My New BFF
That Knitter looks like a great tool and I will be looking for it myself now!
Celebrating Aunties 81st birthday is my favorite entry - I've only been reading your blog for a few months, but love it! I love this entry because your aunt reminds me of my mother - her birthday is in February and all she wants from me each year is hat! God bless them -
Andrea in NJ
PS - Happy Anniversary - and many more!
Happy Anniversary Dee! I haven't had the opportunity to read ALL four years worth of entries, but I have to say my favorite is the one from Jan. 8, 2008: Question from Reader: Crocheting in Circles. Ever wonder why you get these nudges to write about a certain topic on a given day? Your timing could not have been better..I just started crocheting last year and I've been limited to squares and rectangles as I just could not get the hang of working in circles. One of my goals for this year was to do just that. Then I spotted your blog entry on a day I was really wanting to find a simple explanation of how to make a hat. I loom knit, so its not like I can't make hats to give to the needy...I can, but I wanted to learn to crochet them too. So, I printed out this entry and yesterday I sat down and gave it a go...Talk about a bright light going off over my head...I'm nearly done with my first crocheted hat thanks to you and your spiral hat pattern that actually makes sense! Thank you so much for allowing God to use you to help others achieve what they didn't think they ever could. Of course, you know what this means, right? Right, I'm gonna need more yarn!
I love any and all entries with Mini Dee... I especially loved the entry where you promoted her video and how-to on how to make that bracelet, the pattern of which she created herself!
I like Jan 14th. I just LOVE the Winter Wonderland shot and really liked the cup of coffee with your logo in it, that's just too cute :)
I really enjoyed your December 31st post. I for one, enjoy looking at old photos, wondering where time has gone. I look towards the future but that scares me sometimes. I wish I could keep them with me forever.
I have to say that my favorite post is the one about your friend Ruth. I just lost my friend Pat and your wonderful description of your friend warmed my heart.
KimnCocoa (ravelry)
The most memorable one for me was when your daughter picked up the bug:) and started her own blog. Kids are soo cool.
My own son, 10yo, likes to knit, crochet and work on his loom!
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