Friday, December 14, 2007

Bits of Bits ... going, going, gone?

I have been on a *fiber* diet for most of the 2007 year, and as I've stated in the past few weeks, my children have noticed the sizeable dent I've made in my attempt to tame it.  While the stash is still quite vast, there appears to be many "bits," and deciding what to do with them can become a challenge.  Fortunately, I think I've come up with a fantastic solution:

First, I decided to sort them.  Large bits here, smaller bits of just a few yards or so go there.  The smaller bits were then sorted by color and are now in the process of being worked up into striped hats that will either go towards next year's Salvation Army drive, or will become striped chemo hats -- all depending upon the fiber content and stitch(es) that I've opted to use.

But the larger bits -- ah!  Those I stuffed into a clear bag, added many popcycle sticks and brought them with me to the children's school today.  Knowing, after yesterday's huge snow storm, that the children would have to have indoor recess, I opted to offer them some time to get crafty! 

Many of the children decided to use Christmas colors of red & green to create the most festive looking  "
God Eyes" I've yet to see!  As I had hoped, they used up quite a bit of my "bits," and this means I can restock the bag for next time, making a further dent in my stash.  And, the funniest part of the day was listening to the children wish it will snow next Thursday to ensure they have another indoor recess on Friday -- so they can work on their "God Eyes" some more.  "Bring in more yarn, Mrs. Stanziano!  This is fun!"  :)


Anonymous said...

Now -that's- a great way to get rid of those pieces of yarn! Sounds like the kids had a blast.

Anonymous said...

Bundle up the tiniest bits with lots of ends sticking out and save them for next spring.  Hang the bundle from a "safe-to-access" spot and watch your local birds go wild for them.  And be warmed by the thought that your scraps are keeping those little birds and their eggs warm!