I would like to thank everyone who participated in my Anniversary Celebration where, for the 2nd year in a row, I am gifting away a 1-year CGOA Membership. I greatly enjoyed reading everyone's Top 3 Favorite Crochet Techniques -- in reading all the entries it seems Tunisian Crochet is in the top spot for favorite!
'Angry Kitty' takes on Chuck Norris |
"Angry Kitty" got to pick the winner! |
Before I announce who the winner is, I want to take a moment to thank Dee Jr and "Angry Kitty" for all their hard work in the preparing and choosing of this year's winner. Dee Jr printed out all the entries, cut them into strips and then curled them into spirals; they remind me of confetti! They were then presented to the cat, who we affectionately are calling "Angry Kitty" as she has been upset her that her human/owner has been on vacation for over a month now.
(I've been tweeting about this on Twitter.) She isn't hissing at us as much as she was in the beginning, so this is great that we got her into a playful mood where we presented the spirals to her, giving her time to "favor" one (aka "swat around the room" -this was the entry to be awarded this year's membership giftaway.) Since she can't read, we thought this would be a fun, non-biased, kind of way to select a winner. She certainly had fun!
So who won? Well, not so fast. It seems, after the winner exclaimed upon notification:
"Oh Dee thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!! Hubby is not sure if his ear can take the squealing of, 'I won';" has "giftawayed" her newly won prize -- to her husband -- who she taught how to crochet back in 1999! So, on behalf of myself, and our
chews'n winner, Janie, the new winner is:
Disclaimer: I want to state that this membership was not something given to me to giveaway to help promote the CGOA. Nope. Not at all. This membership,
like the one gifted last year, comes from my crochet passion deep in my heart, and my very own wallet. :)
Janie, Boyce, and once again, thank you to everyone for participating, making this a wonderful way for me to celebrate 8 years of blogging about crochet, and celebrating my 11th Anniversary of being a CGOA member!
If you are interested in joining the CGOA, or gifting away a membership yourself, visit
www.Crochet.org for more information.
Thank you Dee for your graciousness in holding this contest and to "Angry Kitty" for choosing me as the winner!
Wow! How awesome that she taught her husband and now he'll be a member of the crochet guild. Super excited and wow, I can even hear the squealing. Congrats Boyce.
Congratulations to Janie AND Boyce! I think it's great that crochet is something they can share.
I think I missed posting on the contest entry but wanted to wish Dee a Happy Anniversary! You've been a cheerleader in the world of crochet for so many years and I know many have come to love the craft through your blog and web site.
Like you, I have been a CGOA member for many years. I might add that my favorite technique changes from year to year. Sometimes from minute to minute LOL. I CAN say that my favorite basic stitch is the double crochet. I am perfectly happy just dcing away.
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