"Dee, I don't know if you have seen this webpage regarding some possible history of crochet. http://www.senzeme.lv/Pakulu_krekls.htm It was listed on the yahoo spindler's list and reputed to be in latvian. The stitches sure look to be crochet... Love your blog, and look forward to seeing you on Getting loopy chat."
At first my Google translator did not want to cooperate, but once I selected the option for Google to figure out the language to translate into English for me, I was all set.

The article is about recreating the "shirt" worn under the metal armor in the 11th and 12th centuries. The job of the "shirt" was to help absorb some of the shock from heavy fighting. While the article states the exact dating of this medieval attire is under debate, what excited me was the technique they used to recreate the "shirt."
In looking at the photos they provide it sure looks like slip stitch crochet to me, minus the hook. When crochet stitches are made without a crochet hook it is called "Finger Crochet," and in fact, based upon a conversation with my BIL, when he was in the Navy the sailors had to finger crochet long lengths of cord to wrap around the polls. This would prove to be life-saving by providing traction on wet, slippery rails during heavy storms while out at sea!
Like I said, I am very excited about this! If there is truth/accuracy to this "Interlacing Technique," this would date our beloved fiber art form to more than a mere few hundred years old -- rather, we'd be talking that crochet could be confirmed to be many centuries old!
Thank you, Bobbins! ... and I'll see you soon in the Getting Loopy chat. :)
That is very interesting, I didn't know finger crocheting could go farther then making lengths of coils. I'm going to try it and see what I can make.
So glad you found the article as fascinating as I did, and you made a blog entry from it! I did wonder that linen was the chosen fiber, maybe cheaper, more plentiful, or common than wool?
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